Chapter thirty three

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Jungkook wiped the tears with the back of his hands, he was hiccuping and his mind was a mess. Jungkook felt like his world has turned upside down. His biggest fear has come true and jungkook doesn’t know what to do. Jungkook thought finally finally hoseok will get the happiness and love the omega deserve, he had thought finally he wont be the reason for hoseok's sadness but he was proven wrong again.

Seokjin words has come true and jungkook can't stop blaming himself, he can't stop thinking about just how peaceful and happy hoseok's life would have been if jungkook wasn’t in it. He can't help but think hoseok will be much more happy without him.

Jungkook touch the cheeks hoseok has slapped him, it was still stinking. Jungkook wasn’t mad at hoseok, he wasnt upset either. Jungkook is just–he is upset at himself. He is angry at himself. Jungkook can't help but fault himself. Jungkook understand why hoseok has slap him, he does and he regret few things he has said.

After everything hoseok has done for him, the least jungkook could do was act grateful towards hoseok instead he has straight up blaming hoseok by saying he made a mistake by raising jungkook. Anyone would be hurt and on top of everything hoseok was still dealing and trying to come in term with his break-up. Instead of becoming hoseok's protecting shield, jungkook ended up throwing all his insecurities on hoseok. Saying things he shouldn’t have.

Jungkook can't stop beating himself over it. He has broken hoseok's heart way worse than yoongi. Jungkook acted ungrateful and very awfully towards his mother.

Jungkook doesn’t know how will he face hoseok after saying all this things. He doesn’t know how will he ask for hoseok's forgiveness. He also doesn’t know how will he restore hoseok's relationship with Yoongi.

One thing jungkook knows is he will definitely try his best to make hoseok's and yoongi's relationship back to normal. He has full mind of talking to seokjin, he will talk to seokjin, if it's necessary he will beg seokjin to let yoongi and hoseok be together. Jungkook can't see his eomma be heartbroken, he can't see hoseok in tears.

Jungkook knows hoseok is trying to act strong for his sake, he knows hoseok is trying his best to ignore his own feelings but jungkook wont let that happen. He wont let hoseok lock his feeling away. He wont let hoseok be alone all over again.

Jungkook wiped his remaining tears, His eyes filling with determination, jungkook exhale a shaky breath. He looked ahead of himself before walking to somewhere.


Hoseok feels lost, nothing is working on his favor. It has been close to three hours since jungkook left the house, the weather has became more gloomy, the sky almost pinch dark. Hoseok's omega has been crying and dead worried about their pup's. Hoseok feels like shit, he can't even look at his hands without thinking about the slap.

Hoseok paced around his living room, his phone on his ear. Hoseok has been calling jungkook for little over two hours now and his son is not picking up the phone. With each ring hoseok's heartbeat is getting faster and faster. Fear making their ways into his heart and mind. What if jungkook doesn’t comes back? What if jungkook hates hoseok? What if jungkook doesn’t want hoseok to be in his life?

All this what if's are making it hard for hoseok to breath, he already had two panic attack and if he doesn’t find jungkook anytime soon hoseok is sure he will die Because of heart attack.

In the back of his mind hoseok knows he is being irrational, jungkook wouldn’t hate him for a simple slap. Jungkook wouldn’t leave him either, hoseok's son loves him way too much to actually leave him. But nowadays teenager's are very emotion, they dont appreciate when their parent's scold them let alone hit. Jungkook is After all an teenager what if he actually gets too upset and feels unsafe with hoseok.

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