Chapter twenty eight

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Hoseok sighed in relief once he was inside his home, hoseok's omega was still shaken up. They were still a little bit scared. Hoseok doesn't understand what could have upset seokjin so badly for namjoon to react like that. Hoseok also can't shake the feeling of that somehow he is the reason seokjin was so upset. When hoseok looked back while leaving, he looked at seokjin who has his eyes full of hate, hoseok looked one last time at yoongi's pack house and got the feeling that it will be a very very long time before he step foot into that house ever again.

"eomma!!" hoseok was pulled out of his thought with his pup calling him excitedly, hoseok felt his omega soften at the sight of their pup sparkling eyes and wide grin. Hoseok smiled at his pup and opened his arms for jungkook. Jungkook wasted no time in clinging to hoseok. Hoseok sighed in relief once again when he felt his pup comforting scent on him. For now he doesn't want to think about anything else but jungkook and yoongi.

At the thought of yoongi hoseok looked beside him and found no yoongi, he frown his eyebrows. Where did he go? Hoseok remember them enter the house together. How did hoseok hasn't notice the alpha's disappearance.

"appa is inside,, doing something in the kitchen " jungkook as if he could read hoseok's thought said, hoseok looked at his pup and let out a chuckle, he shake his head and walked into the living room. Is it really this easy to read hoseok? Or jungkook and yoongi is just too better in understanding him?

"what did you cook?" hoseok ask once he was fully inside, he could smell the food aroma all over the house. Hoseok's mind was less clouded with thought now.

"i cooked ramen for us-" hoseok looked at his son amusement, jungkook pouted at hoseok "-let me tell you eomma, it's not any normal ramen. It's jungkookie especially ramen " jungkook say's while buffing his chest in pride.

Hoseok couldn't help but let out a pleased laugh, the way jungkook eye's were sparkling, the confidence he had in his voice made hoseok really proud. He ruffled his son hair and believe jungkook wholeheartedly. Whatever his pup made will be the best food hoseok ever had, he knows that.

"Alright then cook kook bring your especially ramen. Your customer is hungry " hoseok say's a bit dramatically, making his pup grin widely. Jungkook helds hoseok hand and escort his eomma to the dinning table. Hoseok found yoongi making something on the stove.

"oh shit-" jungkook cursed suddenly, hoseok was about to tell his son to not curse but jungkook beat him into it "-you wait here, i will be back soon" before hoseok could response jungkook went inside his room. Hoseok stare at his son figure blankly before shifting his attention back to the alpha who was pouting and frowning.

Hoseok walked inside the kitchen and put his head on yoongi's shoulder, yoongi's shoulder relaxed immediately under hoseok's touch.

"what's wrong alpha?" hoseok ask softly, yoongi sighed, he turn off the stove and looked at hoseok, placing his hand on hoseok's waist.

"what's not seok-ah? Everything feels so wrong " yoongi confessed, hoseok stare at yoongi confusedly. Yoongi placed a hand on hoseok's cheek and crease it.

"i didn't liked the way namjoon growl at you. You did nothing wrong. i don't understand what's jin hyung problem is honestly. He has been behaving like a jealous girlfriend ever since we have been dating " yoongi say's, annoyance was clear in his voice.

"maybe he is just having hard time accepting me hyung,, you shouldn't be mad at him for that. It's not like we can make everyone like us instantly " hoseok say's with sadness, he really thought he and seokjin could be friends but looks like hoseok needs to do more work.

"it's a crime to not like you at first glance seokseok" yoongi say's, he looked offended. Hoseok couldn't help but let out a laugh at yoongi's behaviour.

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