Chapter thirty seven

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Hoseok sighed contently, yoongi's arms around him tighten before he loosen them, hoseok lifted his head to look into yoongi's eyes, yoongi was already looking at him with a soft smile, his eyes full of love and shoulder relaxed. for the first time in weeks hoseok felt like he could breath again properly.

"i missed you" yoongi say's, his words filled with sincerity, making hoseok's heart filling with warmth. He tilt his head and smiled, one of his hands touching yoongi's cheeks, yoongi leaning into the touch.

"i missed you too alpha so much" hoseok confessed, he can't describe in words just how much he and his omega misses their alpha. "—there wasn’t a day where i didn’t thought of you" hoseok further added.

"me too seok-ah. My mind and heart were always thinking about you and my alpha they didn’t talked to me for weeks " yoongi say's with a chuckle, hoseok let out his own chuckle and put his free hands on yoongi's chest right where yoongi's heart was.

"my omega was something like that too,, they only start talking to me after jungkook returned that too only for their pup—" hoseok chuckle as his omega let out a embarrassed whine "–if it wasn’t for jungkook i am sure they would been fine never talking to me " hoseok say's with a dramatic effect making yoongi laugh.

Hoseok watched yoongi laughing with eyes full of love. He missed this, he missed yoongi's laugh, his smile, his scent, their alpha, his eyes, his hands, his nose everything. Before hoseok knew what he was doing he booped yoongi's nose making the alpha stop mid laughing. Yoongi looked at hoseok with a amusing smile while hoseok ducked his head in embarrassment.

"what was that for?" he asked, hoseok groaned and hide his face into yoongi's chest. Hoseok said something which got muffled as his face was hidden, yoongi couldn’t heard what he said.

"i didn’t heard you love. Can you repeat yourself?" yoongi ask in such a soft voice hoseok's heart clutch painfully.

"i said i missed booping your nose. your nose–its cute " hoseok supplied.

"just my nose?" yoongi teased, hoseok slapped yoongi on the chest and lifted his head,  a pout on his lips.

"awwh baby i am just teasing " yoongi cooed, hoseok bite his lips to stop himself from smiling. Yoongi looked at hoseok's face, his eyes searched something in hoseok's face, hoseok couldn’t figure out exactly what, he tilt his head and stare at yoongi in confusion. Yoongi's hands on hoseok's waist suddenly tighten as the alpha pulled him close to him. Hoseok yelped at the sudden action.

Yoongi let go of hoseok's waist on one hand and touched hoseok's cheeks with that hand. Confusion was clear in hoseok's face as he was trying to understand what was yoongi trying to do.

They stayed silent for few more moments, none of them saying anything and just taking eachother feature in. It only has been few week and yet hoseok feels like it has been ages since he felt yoongi's eyes on him.

"seok-ah? " yoongi called, hoseok hummed and raised one of his eyebrows, encouraging yoongi to continue what was on his mind.

"i am sorry " yoongi say's, hoseok looked at him confusion, before hoseok could open his mouth to express his confusion as to why yoongi was apologising. Yoongi shake his head and squeeze hoseok's waist. Hoseok got the hint and closed his mouth. "—i am sorry i didn’t choose you, i am sorry i hurt you–" hoseok was about to protest but yoongi put one of his finger on hoseok's lips "—no no please let me speak i know i was forced to do what i did but still i can't help but think maybe i could handle things differently. Maybe if i tried harder i could have explained and make jin hyung understand things sooner. If i tried harder maybe we–you wouldn’t go through what you did. I broke your heart seok-ah not only yours but also jungkook. Jungkookie you saw the way he start blaming himself for everything. You could have lose your son Because of me.

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