Chapter twenty six

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Hoseok walked inside the dressing room, he was holding the banner under his arms, he looked around the filled room, trying to find his pup. Jungkook has left early as his team had some strategy to talk about before the game. Hoseok has came later after he was done with his dance lesson at the studio. Yoongi was supposed to come directly from his office as the match was in the evening. Hoseok till now didn’t spot his pup or his alpha.

The entire dressing room was filled with students same age as jungkook, their parents were also present much like hoseok so it was difficult to spot jungkook especially when hoseok couldn’t even smell his pup as his pup wore scent Blocker (school rules).

Hoseok tried to walked inside while pushing some bodies here and there, the room was very small and the amount of people were overwhelming. Hoseok's omega was way too excited to see their pup that they are telling hoseok to hurry up every few moment. Which if hoseok is being honest started to annoy him. But then again he can't blame his omega for being excited for their only pup first game.

Hoseok pouted as his eyes roam around the room one more time in hope to see jungkook or yoongi. Hoseok finally managed to get out from the small crowd he was trapped inside, he sighed in relief and pulled out his phone to call either jungkook or yoongi. As hoseok was about to dial jungkook number hoseok heard his pup giggle. Hoseok immediately looked at the direction from where the giggle had come.

Hoseok walked further inside the room, this part was less crowded than the other part of the room, hoseok followed the sound, when he reached at watching distance, hoseok's heart filled with unconditional love and adoration.

Yoongi was kneeling on the ground infront of jungkook, fixing his shoes, tying jungkook shoe leases. He was talking to Jungkook, jungkook was nodding his head, jungkook had a huge smile on his lips as he listen to yoongi speak.

Hoseok's heart skip a beat at the scene, yoongi was so delicately tying jungkook shoes, he also had a gummy smile on his lips. Hoseok's pup was looking like a small pup listening to their father giving them advice before the game.

'we are going to mate and marry this alpha in this life'

Hoseok nods his head at his omega's words, his omega was right. Yoongi is the one for hoseok, yoongi has officially stolen hoseok's heart. Yoongi had finally own hoseok's heart fully and completely. Nothing makes hoseok more happier than seeing his pup so happy and content with someone hoseok loves.

Yoongi is proving to be a great boyfriend a great father figure, a great friend and a great support system for hoseok. Hoseok is fully content. Finally he feels like he found the missing piece in his life.

Hoseok with a content heart and a beautiful smile on his lips walked to where the alpha and his pup was. Yoongi was now sitting beside jungkook, ruffling his hair and making jungkook giggling even more.

"what are you two talking about without me huh?" hoseok ask, he put one of his hand on his hips, looking at the alpha's with a raised eyebrows.

Jungkook eyes sparkle with happiness at the sight of hoseok, yoongi wasn’t far behind as he had his gum full of smile on full display. They both got on their feet and jungkook immediately was on hoseok. Hugging his eomma out of happiness, Hoseok let out a surprise huff and hugged his pup back.

"eomma you finally made it " jungkook say's, his voice filled with happiness, hoseok kissed jungkook on the forehead and nods his head, his own eyes sparkling with happiness.

"of course pup, you know i wouldn’t miss it for the world " hoseok say's, yoongi was looking at both mother-son with eyes full of love.

"ahem someone forget i am here too " yoongi say's a bit dramatically, making jungkook laughed out loud and hoseok looked at him with a pointed look.

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