Chapter fifteen

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"oh look who decided to finally come home" yoongi's head whipped at seokjin direction, seokjin was sitting on the dinning table with others. Yoongi's happy mood downtown a little bit by seokjin comments.

Yoongi was really happy when he returned home, he had a amazing day with hoseok, he get to cuddle Hoseok and took care of him. He and hoseok almost kissed today. Yoongi was happy with the progress his and hoseok's relationship is making. He was also very happy to know seokjin contacted hoseok. Yoongi was planning to thank seokjin and make him a cup of warm hot chocolate to show his gratitude. Yoongi most definitely didn’t except such a sneaky remark from seokjin.

Yoongi wasn’t a kid, he was an grown ass adult for fuck sake. He can come and leave home whenever he want. Seokjin didn’t need to make that comment.

"what do you mean? " yoongi ask, he was really confused with seokjin behaviour. Seokjin took a sip from his wine and looked directly into yoongi's eyes, he had a smug smile on.

"the samething you have understand yoongs " seokjin answered, the table around seokjin fall silent. Jimin and taehyung shifted uncomfortably on their chair, namjoon was looking at his mate with pure confusion.

"i don’t understand what you mean hyung " yoongi say's and sighed. Can he at least be happy one day without seokjin being a trouble in his ass?

"You have known hoseok for what like a month?—" yoongi stare blankly at seokjin, seokjin took this as his cue to continue "–you have known him for a month and you have already spend two night in his house. That’s so unlike you yoongs am i wrong?" seokjin ask and well he isn’t wrong. Yoongi never felt comfortable to stay at anyone’s house.

"you are right it's not like me but that doesn’t mean i can't do that " yoongi replied, one of his eyebrows raised. Seokjin chuckled.

"you have never stayed at your dates house in the past yoongi so what's so especially about hoseok? you are already abandoning you pack for him?" Seokjin question, yoongi's stomach twisted uncomfortably. He looked at seokjin with wide shock. Jimin, taehyung and namjoon also had the same look as yoongi. The fuck is seokjin talking about?

"hyung–" yoongi started calmly "—first time i stayed over at hoseok was unintentionally, we was watching movie and fall asleep without knowing and this time i already told you all the reason. Hoseok was sick, jungkook was overwhelmed seeing his mother in such a state So i stayed to take care Both of them. I don’t see anything wrong in it and i don’t see how i am abandoning you all by staying at hoseok's house for like two night. And in case you forget hyung i am an grown ass adult, i can stay at anyone’s house i desire. I dont need anyone permission for that!" yoongi finished, jimin and taehyung looked a little scared. Yoongi seeing the slight fear in their eyes understood he wasn’t speaking as calmly as he was thinking, namjoon had his eyebrows frown while seokjin looked speechless for a moment.

"realx yoongi i was just teasing you– " seokjin say's finally breaking the heavy silent that fall over them"—why are you getting so defensive over this? i am sorry if i offended you" seokjin say's, he held a very clear innocent and confused face.

"It didn’t felt like you were joking " yoongi mumbled under his breath, he looked at everyone at the table, they all were staring at yoongi with wide eyes same expression as before means no one heard him mumble. Yoongi was about to open his mouth to speak loud and clear when namjoon took the lead.

"that's enough for today. Yoongi hyung you must be tired, you should go and rest —" namjoon say's, his voice held a unspoken power as the pack alpha. Yoongi nods his head and looked away. Namjoon faced his mate, he held seokjin hand unded the table and squeeze it, he will speak to seokjin later in private "—now if we all are done with our dinner, we should go back to our rooms " namjoon finished with a smile on his lips, his dimple poking out. 

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