Chapter thirty six

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Seokjin slowly open his eyes, his head was hurting like hell, he blinked few times to adjust his eyes to the light in the room, seokjin tried to move his left hand when he hissed in pain, he looked at his bedside and saw a IV was hooked into his arms. Seokjin then looked around the room, he sighed in relief when he found himself at the safety of hid room rather than at some unknown hospital. The scent of his room was helping him to calm down a little bit.

Seokjin eyes land on the two sleeping figure at the couch, he tried to clear his vision to see properly who they were. Seokjin felt his heart squeeze tightly when he saw jimin taehyung were sitting on the couch, jimin head on taehyung's shoulder while taehyung head was on the couch, they were sleeping peacefully tho the bag under their eyes said something else.

Seokjin eyes then land at sleeping namjoon who was holding his hand, namjoon head was on the bed while he was sitting, his hands were tightly holding seokjin one. Seokjin wonder how did he didn’t felt namjoon hands on him sooner, maybe the medicine was taking troll on him.

Seokjin then looked one more time around to see if yoongi was anywhere near but he didn’t saw yoongi. Seokjin felt a little sad seeing everyone but not yoongi. Tho seokjin definitely understand if yoongi actually never show up after everything he has done to the alpha.

Seokjin fondly looked at his mate, he lift his right hand and was about to touch namjoon cheeks but stopped himself. He has no right to touch namjoon or anyone at this matter. What seokjin did was unforgivable, he had hurt every single one of the most important people in his life. Seokjin has to earn their forgiveness and even if somehow they ends up forgiving seokjin, seokjin doesn’t think he ever will be able to forgave himself.

Seokjin wont be the bad guy anymore, he will try to fix his mistake as much as possible. Seokjin just hopes even if no one can truly forgave him they at least will try to do so and seokjin will give up anything to do that.

Seokjin was lost in thought when the room door openend and a half sleepy yoongi enter the room with a jug of water, seokjin looked at yoongi and the boy looked exactly like seokjin has seen before he passed out. The sadness from yoongi's eyes hadn’t disappeared, they have increased making seokjin heart clutch painfully, he was responsible for this. He was the reason yoongi looked so broken and helpless.

"oh you are awake" yoongi say's with a hint of surprise in his voice, seokjin nods hid head from where he was laying. Yoongi slowly walked near him, he pour some water on the glass, seokjin stare at yoongi's every movement.

"here drink this,, you will feel better " yoongi say's, his voice as soft as ever, seokjin didn’t realize how thirsty he was until then. He tried to sit when he couldn’t, yoongi helped him sit down all while making sure namjoon doesn’t woke up. Once seokjin was sit yoongi gave the water to seokjin.

"how long was i out?" seokjin ask once he finished drinking the water, yoongi placed the glass on the bedside table and hummed.

"two day's " he answered, Seokjin eyes widen as he stare at yoongi, sadness took over yoongi as he nods.

"two days?"

"yeah,, namjoon and other's got really scared. Namjoon Didn't left your side since then " yoongi informed, overwhelming amount of love spread on seokjin heart when he heard that. He looked at namjoon with eyes full of love and sadness, his mate didn’t left his side. Even after everything seokjin has done namjoon still love him like before.

Namjoon was scared to lose him so was everyone else. Even tho yoongi didnt mentioned his name, seokjin knew yoongi was equally worried.

"i am sorry " seokjin say's, catching yoongi off-guard, yoongi tilt his head and stare at Seokjin in confusion.

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