Chapter thirty two

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Hoseok scrunch his nose in discomfort when the sunlight fall all over his face, hoseok groaned and put his hand over his face to stop the light. Hoseok turn on the other side of the bed, he exhale a breath in relief, he blindly reached for his phone, Hoseok opened one of his eyes, checking his notification to see the good morning messages yoongi always sent. Just as hoseok opened his phone and saw there wasn’t any new message from anyone hoseok's heart clutch.

His mind replaying everything that happens the day prior, hoseok slowly sat on the bed, he put down the phone and closed his eyes tightly. Now that he was fully awake and his mind was working hoseok notice how he can't feel his omega or their scent. His omega is really upset with him. Hoseok of course knows he can't erasse the pain he and his omega is feeling even if he wants.

Hoseok knows how sensitive his omega is, hoseok will give them all the time they need to mourn over their supposed mate. Hoseok knows he Himself can't over yoongi anytime soon.

Hoseok forced his eyes open when he felt like he wont cry anymore. Hoseok slowly got down from the bed and made his way to the living room. Hoseok sat down on the couch and his phone buzz with a new notification.

A smile formed into hoseok's lips when he saw his pup name on it. Jungkook has sent him a voice note. Hoseok felt his omega starring a little bit, clearly wants their pup update even when they are sad and heartbroken. Hoseok played the voice note, his broken heart filling with undying love for his son.

"morning eomma!! how are you doing? I miss you so much but eomma you know It's so so pretty here, i clicked so many picture to show you. You gonna love them, when i came back and you have vacation you i and appa can visit tog—" hoseok's smile fall a lump form into his throat at the mention of yoongi. God how will hoseok tell his son about the break-up? how will hoseok tell his pup that yoongi wont be a part of their life any longer? That yoongi is no longer jungkook appa? It's just hoseok and him once again? A pathetic whimper came from his omega as they again curled themselves, hoseok heart is breaking all over.

Hoseok took a deep breath and played the voice note again, his pup voice helps him calming down a little bit "–together. Anyway did you had your breakfast? are you eating well? Don't be scared eomma i will be back soon and i can't wait to hug you so so much. Ahah they are calling us to eat, i will wait for your message eomma. I love you!! "

Hoseok took few breaths, he coughed and tried to make his voice sound as normal as possible before he pressed the recording button and start speaking. It would have been better if hoseok just text but if he did that jungkook will surely find out something was wrong and hoseok doesn’t want to ruin jungkook trip. His pup is coming back tomorrow afternoon anyway.

"morning love. I am doing fine and you? I am glad you are enjoying the trip. I can't wait to see all the picture you has taken And yeah that—that sound like a good plan, we can talk about it later. No i didn’t ate yet, i just woke up. I miss you so much pup and i love you. I can't wait for you to come back. Eomma misses you love " hoseok clicked on the sent button, his eyes were filled with tears. He really miss his son and wants him back into his arms.

Hoseok wants to hug his son and stay inside his nest for as long as it was possible. Hoseok was very scared in all honestly. He knows his pup will be heartbroken when he will get the news. Hoseok needs to think of a way to tell jungkook, a way in which jungkook wont ended up blaming himself.

Because no matter how much hoseok wants to ignore the fact that he and yoongi's relationship wasn’t accepted Because seokjin didn’t like jungkook, he simply can't. And hoseok in no means wants his son to think that he was the reason hoseok was left alone.

No it wasn’t jungkook fault, jungkook has nothing to do with anything, neither is It's yoongi's fault. Yoongi loves his pack and can't leave jimin and taehyung alone. Hoseok knows if yoongi could bring jimin and taehyung with him, he would choose hoseok without any hesitation but yoongi didn’t had that choice.

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