Chapter eight

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Yoongi looked at hoseok from the corner of his eyes, his hands are on stirring wheel. Yoongi oh so badly want to concentrate on the road but hoseok's beauty was making it way too difficult for him. Hoseok was looking as beautiful as ever, his sweet sweet strawberry scent filled yoongi's car, making yoongi's stomach twisting with butterfly. Before hoseok yoongi hadn't known someone can be this beautiful and strong at the same time.

"you are staring " hoseok's soft voice says, his cheeks red, eyes sparkling. Yoongi's ears heat up and he immediately looked at the road, thankfully the road was empty otherwise both of them would reached at the hospital instead of their date place.

"sorry,, you just looked too beautiful to not stare -" yoongi say's and he eyed Hoseok to see his reaction, yoongi notice the change in hoseok's scent, he didn't knew hoseok scent could get more sweet. "-did i make you uncomfortable?" yoongi ask, a hint of insecurity in his voice, hoseok immediately shake his head as no.

"no you didn't hyung,, i-i like your eyes on me. It makes me feel special " hoseok confessed and yoongi smiled his gummy smile at that, hoseok's heart skip a beat.

"you are special hoseok,, you know i have never seen someone like you in my life " yoongi say's and he can see the beautiful closed mouth smile on hoseok's face, hoseok looked outside the window as he was overwhelmed by yoongi's compliment.

"thank you hyung,, i haven't seen anyone like you either " hoseok commented, yoongi felt the flower in his heart blooming with hoseok's every praise.

"where are we going?" hoseok ask once he notice the street sign of outside seoul,, he looked at yoongi expectedly.

"it's a surprise seokseok" yoongi chuckled, hoseok subconsciously pouted and yoongi felt like someone punched his gut.

"but hyungie we are already outside of seoul" hoseok whinned and yoongi thinks he should start writing his will, he is sure hoseok and his cuteness will be the cause of yoongi's early death.

'who the fuck think about death while being on a date? '

'we are not dying until we have hoseok and his omega in our life permanently '

Yoongi heard his alpha mumbled and yoongi nodded his head,, turned out his alpha doesn't like the idea of dying on their first date.

"just few more minutes, we are almost there " yoongi say's softly and hoseok sighed but nodded his head anyway.

The next few minutes inside the car were silent, a comfortable silence. Hoseok was quietly humming with whatever song was playing on the radio and yoongi watched Hoseok with one eyes and watched road with another.

Just as yoongi promised almost ten minutes later yoongi pulled his car in a empty parking lot. Before hoseok could open his own car, yoongi beat him into it, yoongi walked to hoseok's side of the car and opened the door for hoseok, the blush on hoseok's face was back, yoongi outstretched one of hand for hoseok to take and hoseok smiled brightly at that, hoseok removed his seatbelts and took yoongi's hands on his own, he got out of the car and stand beside yoongi.

Yoongi smiled at hoseok and squeeze his hand, he left hoseok's hand, hoseok immediately missing yoongi's warmth on his hand, yoongi walked to the back of the car and collected the basket and mat he brought for their date. He walked back to hoseok and hoseok immediately took the mat from yoongi's hand, yoongi smiled gratefully at hoseok.

"ready to go?" yoongi ask, he hesitantly took hoseok's hand and hoseok heart jumped, before yoongi could took his hand back, hoseok interlocked theri fingers and nodded

"ready to go" hoseok replied and yoongi was over the moon, he start leading the way with hoseok's hand on his own, hoseok looked at both of their connected hands and immediately noticed how small his hands was compare to yoongi's one, but despite that how perfectly their hands fit together.

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