Chapter sixteen

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Yoongi sighed as he spin his chair, one of his finger is holding a pen. He was trying to focus on his work all morning but his mind continue to think about hoseok. Yoongi trust jimin, he really does but It's not enough to calm his nerves or make his heart feel at ease. Yoongi just hopes seokjin doesn’t upset hoseok with his not so kind words.

Yoongi throw the pen in his hand at the table and stop spinning his chair. No he can't just sit inside his office and overthink everything. Yoongi needs to know everything that happening in real time.

No one's gonna find out anyway.

Yoongi will just watch from afar yeah, he wont show himself to hoseok, jimin or seokjin. Definitely not seokjin otherwise– yoongi can't even imagine anything. Yoongi will be careful. He tried to make himself believe that he is not being a creep nope absolutely not. He is going only to see how seokjin is treating his omega. There's nothing wrong in it, absolutely nothing.

With this in his mind, yoongi picked up his coat and laptop bag, he left his office without informing anyone (he is the boss, he doesn’t need anyone permission. Everyone needs his permission). Yoongi knows they must be still inside the mall, knowing his pack-mates way to well. Both seokjin and jimin are shopping addicted. If they could they would have brought the entire store for themselves.


Hoseok eyes roamed around all the expensive clothes items around him. Hoseok felt his head spinning just by looking at the clothes. Even without seeing the price tag hoseok can tell he can never afford this kind of clothes.

Hoseok looked at jimin and seokjin who were busy picking up some new clothes every now and then. Trying them on and if they like it they buy if not just left it there for the salesperson to pick them up. Hoseok didn’t liked that, they are the one who is creating this mess so they should keep the clothes in their respected places. Hoseok however didn’t dare to vocalize his thoughts or discomfort. He thought it would be too rude to say this. And it's his first officials meeting with the older omega, he had already upset seokjin by showing up late, he doesn’t want to cause anymore trouble.

Hoseok didn’t dare to touch any of the clothes around him. Too afraid to damage them. Beside hoseok is fine with admiring them from afar, sometimes it’s the right thing to do.

"hoseok come here " hoseok was pulled out of his thought with seokjin voice, he looked at the other omega and saw him holding a pink colour long sleeves shirt in his hand. Hoseok walked near him and stand beside seokjin who was looking himself on the mirror.

"what do you think? " seokjin ask as he looked at hoseok, the shirt is held infront of his body. Hoseok can tell by just looking at it that it will be oversized on seokjin.

"it's very pretty Hyung " hoseok answered truthfully. The shirt was gorgeous, hoseok would have buy it for himself if he could afford it.

"i think it will suit me " seokjin say's and nods, hoseok smiled his heart-shape smile at seokjin. Jimin came towards them with two outfits on his both hands. He was holding a black silk shirt on his right hand and a white silk shirt on his left hand. He looked confused.

"quick question—" jimin say's, gathering both omega's attention. Once both seokjin and hoseok looked at jimin, he lifted both his arms holding the hanger "–which one will suit me better? "

Hoseok and seokjin both looked at the shirt carefully, both shirt was pretty and the silk looked soft even without touching them. Both will look good on jimin, tho hoseok thinks the white one will make jimin look like an angel.



Jimin blinked at the both omega, he blinked at both of them, hoseok let out a nervous laugh and looked at seokjin who had scowl on his face. Hoseok felt something shift inside him. His omega didn’t like the way seokjin was looking at them.

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