Chapter fourteen

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Yoongi slowly opened his eyes and looked around, trying to figure out where he was sleeping, yoongi looked at the sleeping figure of hoseok and jungkook, his eyes immediately soften at the sight of hoseok hugging his son in his sleep. Yoongi slowly sat down, he looked at the blanket on him, he hold the blanket in his hand, he blinked confusedly. He doesn’t remember putting any blanket before sleeping. Yoongi looked at his laptop and found it off.

Yoongi sighed fondly and looked at hoseok. He must have woken up sometimes in the night and put it on him.

Yoongi stretched his arms over his head, he got up on his feet and looked at the clock on hoseok's bedroom wall '7:35AM'. Yoongi's eyes widen as he looked at the time. He quickly looked at jungkook who was still sleeping peacefully.

Yoongi walked near jungkook and quietly started shaking his shoulder "jungkook woke up,, you will be late for school."jungkook groaned and moved away from yoongi, clinging to hoseok even more.

Yoongi sighed, tho a small smile on his lips was present. Jungkook looked like a real baby sleeping in hoseok's arms, yoongi feels bad for awaking the youngest up but he doesn’t have any other choice. Jungkook classes will be start soon and yoongi is sure hoseok wouldn’t want jungkook to miss his classes.

Yoongi knows about jungkook school time is because taehyung and jimin used to read in this same school before they went to college. Yoongi knows when their classes start. Yoongi had paid close attention to both taehyung and jimin growing up even if it looks like he didn’t.

" jungkook pup come on woke up " yoongi tried again

"mm...5 minutes more eomma " jungkook mumbled in his sleep. Yoongi chuckle softly at the thought of jungkook thinking him as hoseok.

"no woke up,,, you will be late " yoongi say's firmly, jungkook throw the blanket away from his body and whine, he opened his eyes and looked at yoongi blury figure standing at his side of the bed. Jungkook with a confusion face sat on the bed while rubbing his eyes, he looked at yoongi and then at his side. He saw hoseok still sleeping, jungkook confusion went away as he remember how sick hoseok was last night.

"good morning jungkook " yoongi greeted,

"morning hyung " jungkook say's, his voice a little slurry because of sleep, yoongi ruffled jungkook hair.

"come on go and get ready,, you will be late for school but first—" jungkook looked at yoongi with doe eyes, yoongi looked at hoseok "–can you check to see if he has any fever or not?" jungkook nods his head.

Jungkook put his hand on hoseok's forehead and when he didn’t felt anh warmth on hoseok's forehead he sighed in relief "it's cold,, he doesn’t have fever now."

"that's good,, he should be woke up soon " yoongi say's with a smile on his lips, jungkook softly smiled at hoseok.

"come on now go " yoongi say's as he pulled jungkook by his hand, jungkook allowing yoongi pulling him out of the bed without much protest. Once jungkook was out of the bed, yoongi led him out of the room, jungkook went back to his room to shower and changed, while yoongi went to the kitchen to make something for jungkook.

Yoongi was putting the toast and jam on the counter when Jungkook came out of his room, looking ready for the day to stop, tho he had frown on his eyebrows. Yoongi looked at Jungkook with one of his eyebrows rise in question.

"i can't go to school today" jungkook say's

"and why not?" yoongi question, jungkook pouted and looked towards hoseok's room.

"i can't leave eomma alone here while he is sick. What if his fever comes back and he needs medical attention? " jungkook say's, his eyes filling with worry, yoongi felt his heart squeezing seeing just how much jungkook cares for his mother.

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