Chapter nineteen

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TW— manipulation

Yoongi knelt down infront of hoseok, his eyebrows frown, eyes full of concentration. Hoseok looked at the alpha with a soft smile,yoongi was applying medicine on hoseok's injured hands. Now that everything was calm and everyone was out of danger, hoseok can feel himself getting calmer, his ribcage hurts, hands stinking as yoongi is applying the medicine.

Hoseok has sent his pup to sleep, jungkook looked emotionally exhausted, hoseok understood it was a lot for jungkook teenage mind. This was the first time jungkook saw fight happen between two alpha. Honestly it was hoseok's first time too. Usually hoseok keep himself and his pup  away from any kind of violence. Hoseok doesn’t want his pup growing mind to adapt the concept of fighting.

Hoseok doesn’t know how did he managed to keep himself so calm and collected. Now that hoseok thinks back to the scene he had seen, his blood run cold and a shiver run down his spine.

"i am sorry, Does it hurt too much?" yoongi ask clearly feeling hoseok's body shiver as he was holding hoseok's hand gently. Hoseok looked at the alpha and back at his hand, yoongi has already cleaned most of it.

Hoseok shaked his head and smiled reassuringly at the alpha but yoongi's shoulder still looked tense.

"are you okay alpha?" hoseok ask, yoongi sighed he wrapped hoseok's hand with bandage and looked directly into his eyes.

"I-my alpha just feel restless seeing their omega in pain " yoongi say's, hoseok's scent sweeter at that, clearly his omega loved the way their alpha was worried about them. Hoseok's ears turned red as his omega continue to sweeter their scent.

"what can i do to make you feel less restless? " hoseok ask, he put his hand over yoongi's one. Yoongi eye's looked hesitant, hoseok squeeze his hand.

"can i scent you?" yoongi ask, hoseok's heart skip a beat at that. He and yoongi never did that before. No one have ever scented him, the only person hoseok has ever scented was his pup and vice verse.

"I–" hoseok searched in yoongi's eyes, he saw nothing but genuine care in his eyes. Hoseok knows yoongi will never force him to do anything. If hoseok refused right now the alpha wont be upset, he will understand. Yoongi always understand hoseok. Hoseok like the idea of smelling like yoongi, his omega love the thought. "okay" hoseok say's finally, nodding his head at yoongi.

Yoongi broke into a wide gummy grin, he slowly lifted hoseok's hand and he touched hoseok's scent gland on his wrist with his nose. A spark run into hoseok's body as yoongi softly nuzzle his nose at hoseok's scent gland. Hoseok's omega wiggling their tails in happiness. The room filled with yoongi's scent, mingling with hoseok's one. Hoseok smiled brightly at that.

"now better?" hoseok ask once yoongi let go off his hand, yoongi looked into hoseok's eyes and nods.

"perfect " yoongi say's and grin, hoseok couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Yoongi's eyes suddenly turned incredibly soft, hoseok's heart squeeze at yoongi's gaze.

"Thank you hoseok. Thank you very very much " yoongi say's, his voice gave out his sincerity, hoseok can hear and feel the sincerity in yoongi's voice.

"for what hyung? " hoseok ask, he can't understand why would yoongi thank him.

"for saving taehyung. If you wouldn’t stop him in time –" yoongi shiver at the thought of what could have happened if hoseok wouldn’t mingle in the middle, hoseok squeeze yoongi's hand bringing him back into reality. "—i can't imagine what would happen seok. I don’t know what would i, namjoon or jin hyung do if something happen to taehyung. He is very important to us, he is my little boy. I have seen him grown up and i couldn’t bear seeing him behind the jail if he would ended up doing something in his rage " yoongi took a deep breath, hoseok heart swallow at yoongi's word. He can feel the love and worry in yoongi's voice. He can see just how much—just how much yoongi's pack meant to him.

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