Chapter four

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Jungkook carefully enter the house,, he peeked his head from behind the wall of kitchen,, watching hoseok humming to himself and making food for them. Hoseok's sweet strawberry scent was floating on the air, making the air smelling like hoseok. Jungkook giggled when he saw hoseok pouting at his phone clearly he is multitasking. Jungkook sensing how distracted hoseok is, he quickly went behind hoseok and lifted him in the air, showing his alpha strength.

Hoseok yelped at the sudden manhandling, panic raised into his vein but they went down when he heard his pup giggling behind him. Jungkook vanilla scent were blooming with happiness.

"pup put me down,, what are you doing?" hoseok asked, jungkook spinning him around the air with his giggle.

"eomma you wont believe what happened today!" jungkook say's, his voice already exposing his excitement.

"kook first put me down,, i am feeling dizzy " hoseok say's but a fond smile was on his face,, jungkook obeyed his words and put down hoseok,, hoseok looked at his pup with a raised brows, jungkook was smiling brightly.

"now tell me what happened? " hoseok asked,

"i got selected into the school soccer team-" a wide grin bloom into hoseok's feature, but he didn’t speak yet since knew jungkook wasn’t done yet "- and the coach said if i play well in the upcoming tournament i will get a permanent place in the team. And if i do performed well i can get a 25% schooler ship for the college " jungkook say's and grinned at hoseok, hoseok's chest filled with pride for his son.

"that's great pup. I am so so proud of you" hoseok say's as he hugged jungkook, jungkook hugged his eomma back,, their happy phenomenon were making the air smell a mix of sweet strawberry and vanilla.

Both of their wolf purring in content,, hoseok's omega was beyond proud of their pup. Jungkook was a excellent  player and hoseok has no doubt that his pup will get a permanent place in the school soccer team.

Hoseok made sure to show jungkook just show proud he was by praising the pup all day long,, hoseok has also made jungkook favourite dessert,, the smile from both of their faces weren’t going down because of how happy both of them were.

Hoseok was collecting the laundry when he notice a hole in one of jungkook hoodie, it was a tiny hole but jungkook use this hoodie almost everywhere especially to his soccer practice. Hoseok sighed and put down the hoodie,, guess It's time for another trip to the mall.

Hoseok went to jungkook room and saw jungkook getting ready to leave somewhere

"are you going somewhere koo?" hoseok ask, jungkook looked at hoseok and nodded his head.

"yes hyung, to the practice " jungkook replied, hoseok made a 'o' sound and jungkook inspected hoseok's face "is there something you wanted me to do? I can do it before i go " jungkook further says, pulling hoseok out of his thoughts.

Hoseok shaked his head " no pup, i wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the mall with me "

"mall? suddenly?" jungkook ask, confusion clear in his doe eyes, hoseok chuckled and walked near jungkook,, he ruffled his son hair and grin widely when Jungkook leaned into his touch like a small puppy.

"i saw some holes in your clothes, so i thought it’s time we buy new clothes for you beside your old one are getting smaller on you " hoseok say's and jungkook nodded in understanding.

"but we just spent money on my new shoes,, the clothes are fine,, i can wear them for few more month " jungkook say's, his eyes looking at hoseok with nothing but pure love and fondness. Hoseok felt his heart squeeze with how much love he was feeling for his pup.

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