chapter eighteen

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Tw— Sexual harassment, violence

Hoseok looked around him with wide eyes,, the view around him was something he could never have expected. If hoseok hadn’t knew better he would have thought he was in a some kind of palace rather than a school. Jungkook was walking beside hoseok, his hands were moving side to side as he explained which rooms belong to which class. Jungkook eyes were sparkling, his voice filled with happiness. Hoseok smiled fondly at his pup.

"this is the common Auditorium " jungkook say's as he gesture at one of the closed door, hoseok looked where jungkook pointed and nods his head.

"the inside is so big koo " hoseok say's, jungkook grin at hoseok. This was hoseok's first time inside jungkook school, usually the school authorities doesn’t allow guardians to enter the school. Today however hoseok was allowed inside as he came to submit some of jungkook's tuition fee's.

As hoseok looks around the school, which looks like a palace and the beautiful happiness in his pup eyes hoseok knows he didn’t made any mistake by allowing jungkook to shift in this school. Hoseok doesn’t regret one bit. Hoseok will take up thousands more extra shift if it's means his pup gets to study in a prestigious school.

Hoseok eyes stopped at a wodden door, the door was closed but hoseok could smell some distress smell and muffled grunt noices, hoseok's eyebrows frown.

"what's behind this door?" hoseok ask, jungkook stopped his rumblings about some history and looked at where hoseok was pointing. Jungkook stood beside hoseok.

"this door connect our school and the college. It’s easy path for the principle and staffs " jungkook say's, hoseok walked near the door, jungkook following behind.

"do you hear something? " hoseok ask, he looked at jungkook expectedly, jungkook gave hoseok a blank stare

"hear what eomma?" jungkook ask, not understanding what's hoseok is talking about.

"i smell someone's distress scent and some muffled groan " hoseok replied, at that jungkook looked worried.

"it's not possible for you to smell anything eomma, everyone has to wear scent blocker inside the campus " jungkook answer, hoseok shake his head.

"no pup, i can smell it and the scent feels very familiar to me " hoseok say's. Hoseok knows his nose is not wrong. He can definitely smell someone's scent and whoever they are hoseok definitely knows them.

"can you open this door?" Hoseok ask, jungkook nods, he pulled out his ID from his neck and walked to the door, he held his ID for the automatic scanner to scan, once the scanner scanned jungkook ID, the door opened with a click. Hoseok wasted no time in entering along with jungkook.

Hoseok start following the scent and as they near the scene, jungkook could smell the scent too. Hoseok and jungkook stopped infront of what felt like a empty hallway, their eyes widen when they saw taehyung hitting someone brutally on the ground while jimin stand a few feet away, he was shaking like a leaf, his lips had a cut and tears were storming down his face. He was yelling for taehyung to stop.


Jimin was walking down the empty hallway, he was on his way to meet taehyung at the cafeteria. Jimin was humming to himself, he walked without any hurry as he knew taehyung still had time left Before his classes ends. Jimin was thinking about what should he and taehyung buy for lunch today.

Seokjin gave them both money to eat whatever they wanted, usually seokjin would just pack them something but today seokjin and namjoon needed to go out of the town for some business work so he couldn’t make any. Yoongi could have but he also had to rush to his work as the alpha overslept.

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