Chapter eleven

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Hoseok stand outside of jungkook school, he was waiting for jungkook school to over. Hoseok looked at his watch, only five minutes till jungkook will come outside. Hoseok hummed under his breath and tapped his foot on the ground with the beat. Hoseok was busy humming to himself and suddenly he felt something hit on his back.

Hoseok yelped and looked behind him, one of his hand on his chest, feeling his rapid heart beat. Hoseok looked down at his feet as a soccer ball hit his leg, he picked it up and blinked at confusion . Hoseok looked around him but didnt saw anyone. Hoseok looked back at the ball in his hand, wondering from where did it actually came from.

"shit. See i told you it will hit someone " hoseok heard someone hissing and he looked at his right side and saw jimin and taehyung walking side by side. Jimin was telling something while taehyung pouted and looked down.

A smile spread on his lips as he saw jimin and taehyung walking near him, they didn’t notice him yet so hoseok kept his smile on his face as he looked at them. Jimin was lecturing taehyung in a hush voice so hoseok couldn’t hear what they were talking.

Jimin, taehyung stand infront of hoseok and jimin's eyes lit up at the sight of hoseok, while taehyung had a neutral expression on his face.

"hobi hyung" jimin cheered, hoseok smile widen. Guilt filled into jimin eyes when he saw hoseok holding the ball taehyung just throw. It was no secret this ball had hit hoseok.

"oh god we are so sorry hoseok hyung " jimin say's, hoseok looked at the ball in his hand and back at jimin.

Hoseok waved one of his hand to his side "it’s no problem jimin, It's okay" hoseok say's but jimin still looked guilty while taehyung looked zoned out. Jimin elbowed taehyung on the ribs, breaking the trance the boy was in. Taehyung with a pain expression looked at jimin, who just glares at him, telling him to apologise for his act.

Taehyung looked at hoseok and bowed "i am sorry hoseok-shii" taehyung say's, he kept his head low, hoseok had a soft smile on his face.

"it’s okay taehyung,, It's no problem really. And you can call me hyung if you want " taehyung raised his boys, hoseok tilt his head, his eyes kind and smile warm. Taehyung mouth twist and a small smile broke into his lips.

"hoseok hyung then " taehyung say's, jimin grin widely beside taehyung, Hoseok nods his head.

"what are you doing here at this hour hyung? " jimin ask, hoseok averted his gaze from taehyung and looked at jimin.

"i am waiting for jungkookie " hoseok replied, jimin, taehyung shared a look. Hoseok looked at them confusedly.

"did jungkook ask you to pick him up? or something? " jimin ask as casually as he can. Jimin felt his heart rate picking up. What if jungkook told hoseok what seokjin said and hoseok doesn’t want to be with yoongi anylonger? no no jimin doesn’t want that. Jimin has never seen yoongi as happy as he is right now with hoseok dating him. Jimin doesn’t want his hyung heart to get broken.

"oh no he didn’t. He and i need to get to the market so i thought it will be better if i pick him up and we go there " hoseok answered honestly, he still doesn’t know if yoongi told his pack about their date so hoseok doesn’t disclose just for what he and jungkook will be going.

Jimin shoulder relaxed and he can swore he also heard taehyung sighed in relief. Jimin smiled his eye smile "that's nice hyung "

"eommaaaaa" hoseok looked behind him and saw jungkook running towards him, his hair bouncing up and down, bag hanging on one of his shoulder and a smile on his face. Hoseok's heart filled with warmth at the sight of his pup happy face.

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