Chapter seventeen

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Hoseok looks at his pup, jungkook was humming to himself as he and hoseok walked side by side. Jungkook has said he and hoseok had somewhere to be but they were on their way to home. Jungkook hadn’t inform hoseok about taking him somewhere or anything like this. Hoseok knows jungkook hadn’t lie to seokjin as he didn’t scrunch his nose.

"pup you said you wanted to take me somewhere but we are going home " hoseok say's finally not being able to control his curiosity. Jungkook hummed and smiled brightly at hoseok.

"i know eomma " jungkook say's, his voice had this hint of something hoseok couldn’t pin point. He eyed his pup suspiciously.

"did you lied to jin hyung so that he doesn’t come with us?" hoseok ask, Jungkook pouted at his eomma at the accusations.

"you know i didn’t lied eomma. And you are asking too much question today " jungkook say's with a whine in his voice, hoseok chuckle at his son's complaints.

"i am asking because you are not telling me anything pup " hoseok say's, he and jungkook was just one block away from their home.

"i am not saying because it's a surprise eomma and i said we were going somewhere and somewhere can be anywhere " jungkook say's with a wide grin, hoseok bark out a laugh at this.

"did you perhaps joined your school debate team or what?" hoseok ask once his laugh died down, jungkook shaked his head, his smile not disappearing from his face.

"oh you wish eomma. You know if I your pup joined the debate team the team will never lose " jungkook say's with pride in his voice, hoseok knew it was true, jungkook was good at anything he does but hoseok also knows jungkook way too well.

"hmm more likely you will start tearing up in the middle of an argument because you can't tolerant anyone raising their voice at you " hoseok teases his son, jungkook made a noice full of offences, hoseok's eyes sparkle with happiness, God he loves his son and their beautiful bond. Hoseok wont trade his Jungkook for the world.

Jungkook cleared his throat once hoseok pulled out his keys to unlock the door, hoseok looked at his pup with a raised eyebrows "nothing eomma just my throat was itching a little bit " jungkook physically stopped Himself from scrunching his nose, hoseok looked at his pup worriedly.

"are you catching a cold?" hoseok say's as he hurriedly put his hand on jungkook forehead to check his temperature. Jungkook just laughed.

"no eomma i am fine now open the door, my hands are breakings down " jungkook say's quite dramatically, hoseok sighed in relief, he shaked his head fondly and opened the door.

Hoseok walked to the living room and was about to flop on the couch when he notice some bags scatter on the couch, he with a confused expression looked at the bags.

"are these yours pup?" hoseok ask once jungkook enter the Living room, jungkook with a wide grin shook his head, hoseok frown his brows.

"this are yours " hoseok looked at the sudden voice and he felt a smile on his lips when he saw yoongi coming out of his kitchen with two glass of water, he was still in the attire hoseok has seen him Earlier.

"surprise " jungkook say's as he took one of the glass from yoongi, he couldn’t control himself any longer and ended up giggling loudly. Hoseok with his own smile stare at his pup and the alpha infront of him, yoongi and jungkook highfived together.

"what's going on between you too huh?" Hoseok ask folding his arms over his chest, yoongi stand beside hoseok, gesturing hoseok to take the water, hoseok with a sigh unfold his hand and took the glass with a thankful smile.

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