Chapter twenty three

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Yoongi looked around his surrounding, he sniff the air to detect hoseok's scent in it but he wasn’t succeed in it as the place is very big and filled with too many different scent. On top of everything hoseok was wearing scent blocker most of the day. Young felt on edge, his alpha getting impatience, they want to see their omega safe and sound. They want their omega back in their arms safe and sound.

"Hoseok! " yoongi called loudly, in hope that his voice will reach till hoseok. Yoongi's heart was beating way too fast to be normal, his scent getting sour with every passing moment. The park was almost empty and most of the lights were turned off giving the park a haunted house vibe. Yoongi knows hoseok is afraid of dark so yoongi is way too concern right now.

He just wants to find hoseok. He wants hoseok to be safe and unharmed. Yoongi only hopes he find hoseok soon. Jungkook was already crying, the teenage boy scared out of his mind for his mother and yoongi's heart break even more seeing jungkook in distress. Yoongi wants to protect hoseok and his pup from the all the evil in the world.

But he has failed to do that. He couldn’t save hoseok yet. God knows where hoseok was and in which conditions the omega was.

Yoongi stop infront of the fountains in the middle of the park, he took some deep breath to calm his nerves down, he should calm down and focus on trying to find hoseok. This is not the time for panicking. Yoongi needs to find hoseok before the park close completely.

Yoongi closed his eyes, trying very hard to think where did he last saw hoseok. He was using his imagination to relive the moments he has spent with hoseok today. Young and hoseok were last together when they went inside the maze, yoongi didn’t saw hoseok since then, he also didn’t saw hoseok coming out neither did other...

Yoongi's eyes snapped open and he start running to where the maze house was, yoongi's heart was Pounding so loudly that the only sound his ears could make out was his heartbeat. Hoseok has to be there inside the maze. Hoseok didn’t found his way out and no one bother to check on him.

Yoongi wants to punch himself on the head. Why the heck he didn’t check if both hoseok and jungkook had come out of the maze or not?? It was yoongi's responsibility to keep both omega and his pup safe and what did yoongi did. Yoongi failed hoseok, he had failed himself.

Yoongi reached at the maze house in record time, he was panting heavily and his legs were burning from how fast he run, yoongi saw the maze was almost dark, the lights were slowly dimming down. Yoongi pulled out his phone and turn on the flashlight, he enter the maze without thinking twice.

Yoongi felt his goosebumps raised at how creepy everything was looking around him, tho he didn’t allow himself to think about all of this. His main priority right now is finding hoseok, finding his omega.

"hoseok? Hoseok are you in here?" yoongi called out, his voice encoring loudly inside the empty and quite maze.

"Hoseok! Alpha is here! Where ar—"

"Hyung!! Hyung alpha i am here " yoongi looked at where the voice came from. Yoongi felt a relief washed over him at the sound of Hoseok's voice. Hoseok's voice sound wet, clearly he was scared and probably crying alone.

"Hoseok hoseok hang on alpha will be there very soon " yoongi say's as he speed up, he tried to find hoseok as fast as possible, he round the maze two times Before he actually reached where hoseok was.

"Hoseok " yoongi cried in relief seeing hoseok standing in the middle of the room, his feet carrying him near hoseok even before his mind could register. Yoongi englobed hoseok into tight embrace, hoseok hugging back as tightly as yoongi. Hoseok put his nose on yoongi's scent gland and inhale the alpha's conforming scent. Yoongi doing the same with hoseok.

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