Chapter thirty nine

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Hoseok sighed from where he was lying on yoongi's chest, the alpha was playing with his hair. Hoseok's omega purring in contentment. It has been a month since yoongi started courting hoseok, a month since namjoon and seokjin moved. A month since hoseok has been taking care of the pack. Hoseok and jungkook moved with yoongi and others just a week ago.

Hoseok was hesitant at first, not wanting to take advantage of anything or wanting to impose his and jungkook presences into everyone's life. But yoongi, jimin and taehyung insisted that hoseok and jungkook move in with them. After a lot of convincing hoseok agreed and they all moved in together.

Now yoongi and hoseok were laying together in the living room, jungkook, jimin and taehyung went somewhere to spend the day together. Ever since jungkook moved in with them, the alpha's took it upon themselves to show jungkook everything. Hoseok was happy to see his pup so happy and accepted by others. Namjoon and seokjin also calls everyday, they are doing better tho yoongi and jungkook doesn’t talk to them hoseok will say things are better than before.

"seok-ah? " yoongi called, his voice soft, hoseok lifted his head to look at the alpha. Yoongi was softly smiling at hoseok.

"yes hyung? " hoseok answered, he tilt his head to look at yoongi better. Yoongi creased hoseok's cheeks a gum full of smile on his lips.

"i love you" hoseok duked his head, a shy smile on his lips. Even tho yoongi has told him those words more than he could count. Hoseok still gets shy Everytime, he still feels the butterfly in his stomach. His heart flatter with newfound love.

"i love you too" hoseok say's after a while, yoongi's eyes on hoseok's lips as he hummed. Hoseok lifted himself up on his elbow and kissed yoongi, catching the alpha off-guard. Tho yoongi kissed hoseok back with same passion.

Yoongi pulled hoseok on top of him, their chest touching, yoongi put one of his leg over hoseok, locking the omega above him, yoongi slide one of his hand under hoseok's shirt, sending a shiver down hoseok's spin.

They broke the kiss and panted, a sting of saliva stuck on their lips, their eyes were hodded and they stare into eachother eyes. Yoongi pulled hoseok into another kiss stealing the omega's breath right away, yoongi manhandle hoseok and flipped their position. Now hoseok was underneath the alpha, hoseok's looked into the alpha's eyes, yoongi's eyes were filled with desire. Hoseok felt himself getting wet with slick.

He tried to squeeze his legs only for yoongi to put his legs in between hoseok's one. Yoongi's leg touched hoseok's growing electric, sending a jolt of pleasure into the omega's body. Hoseok has never felt this way, all this was new to him but not uncomfortable.

They have never went this far, they never went far from making out and now hoseok feels dizzy with all the desire he was feeling. Lust taking over his feature but hoseok still didn’t told yoongi he has never been with anyone and this would be his first time.

So when yoongi start kissing hoseok's neck, hoseok arch his back and pulled the alpha more close to him, hoseok can feel yoongi's harden on his thighs. Yoongi licked hoseok's scent gland pulling out a chocked up moan from hoseok.

Yoongi's teeth nibble on hoseok's scent gland, the omega felt yoongi getting harder and himself more wet.

"a–alpha" hoseok moaned, yoongi hummed and left hoseok's scent gland alone to suck around his neck. "—alpha please" hoseok panted.Yoongi's hand went further inside hoseok's shirt and he gaze his finger over the omega's nipple. Hoseok was feeling sensitive all over.

"alpha p–please stop" yoongi still in his place, he lifted his head immediately and stare at hoseok's eyes, his eyes filling with panic and hoseok mentally slapped himself for blurting out the wrong things..

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