Chapter twenty two

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Hoseok stand middle of his living room, his hand on his hips, his eyebrows frown as he looked around his little home to see if he can find anything else to clean. Hoseok has already cleaned the kitchen, his bedroom, jungkook bedroom, the living room, bathroom even the garden outside. He cleaned all the clothes, dishes everything more than two to three times. Hoseok hates when he has nothing to do in his hand.

Hoseok wants to go back to work, he wants to dance and teach dance. Hoseok looks like a calm and very collected man but in reality he is a man full of energy of four human being. Normally he spent his extra energy dancing but now since his studio is close and he has nothing to do. Hoseok can't stay still without doing anything, it makes him and his omega restless, they always need to stay busy.

Hoseok was now pouting, he can't see a spot anywhere, everything is shinning and he is already done doing his Daily chores and It's only 7:30 in a sunday morning. Hoseok feels like he will go crazy if he has to spent another day trapped inside this house again.

Jungkook with his messy morning hair and his laptop in hand came out of his room, he stare at hoseok's pouting figure, his eyes followed hoseok's one. Jungkook sighed, he knows what hoseok has in his mind. Jungkook has seen hoseok deep cleaning their couch multiple times in last few day's. Jungkook honestly is now scared for hoseok. His mother really can't stay still for a day.

"you okay eomma?" jungkook ask as he sat on the Sparkling couch. Jungkook is honestly scared of sitting on anything around the house nowadays as he knows as soon as he will leave the place hoseok will be back to cleaning it even if the place is already clean.

"i am bored" hoseok say's with a whine, he walk near his son and sat beside him "—i want to work, i don’t wanna stay home anymore. I miss my studio " hoseok say's as he put his head on jungkook shoulder, jungkook patted hoseok's head in sympathy.

"honestly eomma i don’t know why are you complaining so much, i am sure your other co-workers are beaming with happiness. Who doesn’t like being paid while sitting at home all day doing absolutely nothing?" jungkook commented, hoseok huff and lifted his head from his son shoulder.

"but i am bored koo " hoseok say's, jungkook sighed and shake his head "and i want to dance " hoseok added.

"you know you can dance around the house right? " jungkook questioned, hoseok pouted and looked at his son with eyes full of disbelief.

"it's not same pup and you know that " hoseok say's, and jungkook knows, he does. Hoseok like dancing in empty space, he needs a lot of space to convert his emotions into his dances and their home is stuff with furniture so hoseok can't really dance the way he wants.

"then call your boyfriend and tell him to take you out somewhere where you can burn all your energy " jungkook shrugged, hoseok bite his lips, the idea ain't that bad but yoongi is a busy man.

"but yoongi hyung is a busy man " hoseok say's

"not for you and if he is then he doesn’t deserve your presences " jungkook say's with a narrow eyes as if he meant what he say's and hoseok knows jungkook does mean it. His pup can be scary sometimes. "Beside It's sunday, he is free " jungkook took hoseok's phone from the table and handed it to hoseok.

Jungkook nods at the phone for hoseok to take, hoseok with a sigh took it, he unlocked his phone, internally debating with himself if he should call or not. He lookes at jungkook who was looking at him with a raised eyebrows. Hoseok sighed and called yoongi, he accidentally pressed the face time button. Well it was too late to backdown now wnd it's not like yoongi hadn’t seen hoseok in the morning before.

Yoongi picked up the phone rather early, hoseok has half expected yoongi to be asleep and not pick up the phone considering it’s sunday, yoongi's favourite day of the week.

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