Chapter ten

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"Get your shit together yoongi!! you can do this,, it’s not that hard,, just tell them " yoongi encourage himself while pacing around his room. He and jimin has returned almost an hour ago. Before they left the car jimin has patted yoongi on the back as an encouragement along with 'i am really happy for you hyung,, you and hoseok hyung looks good together '.

Once they were inside the apartment was still empty which means other hadn’t returned it and yoongi was honestly thankful for that. He still need some time to gather his thoughts, it’s not like he is afraid his pack will be against him dating someone. They care about yoongi and his happiness, hoseok makes yoongi happy so it should be enough right?

Jimin has excused himself to take a shower as soon as they set foot and yoongi had returned to his room, since then he is been either sitting on his bed, pacing around or just staring at the wall infront of him. Yoongi feels like some teenager who is going to tell their family about their first boyfriend. Problem is yoongi is not an teenager, he is grown ass adult so he better get his shit together.

'stop stressing so much,, our pack will be happy for us'

'i can't help it okay?'

'do you want me to come out and talk?'

'yeah just so you can create more problem instead of telling them'

'wow i am offended by your words '

Yoongi stopped pacing around when he heard his phone ding somewhere, yoongi sighed and walked to his bed, he fished out his phone and opened the message app. Yoongi confusedly stare at jungkook contact. Why did jungkook message him?


Hey yoongi hyung

sorry for texting you so randomly, but it was really important

i Couldn't Concentrate all day as i keep thinking about it, i couldn’t talk to eomma about it as it will only make him insecure.

So today i meet seokjin-shii, namjoon-shii and taehyung-shii at the parking lot of my school, they were there to attend the parents teacher meeting i believe. So as i was leaving i bumped into namjoon-shii (i apologise already). They recognize me without any problem and asked me what was i doing there all alone.

I told them i was going to my work-place (i have taken Some overtime), so seokjin-shii he made some comment which made me felt like he was heavily judging eomma's parenting.

This is how our conversation went :

me- my classes are ovee over so i was on my way to my work-place

seokjin-shii - your guardian didn’t came to pick you up?

me- hyung has work so he couldn’t come beside i am old enough to travle by myself

seokjin-shii - couldn’t he drop work for few hours to pick you up? i mean sure you are old enough to travle alone  but not old enough to be work or left alone without any adult supervision. 

i didn’t liked the way he was judging eomma without knowing anything.

You are dating my eomma and they are your pack, i know they are very very important for you but clearly they are not very fond of my eomma.

I just wanted to let you know as i thought it would be better.

I hope you dont say anything about it to eomma, i wont either.

Yoongi frown his eyebrows at jungkook message. Seokjin did all of this? He made such a comment knowing hoseok is a single parent. Yoongi doesn’t think there's anything wrong at teenager working infact it makes them independent and somehow makes them ready for adult life. Both yoongi and namjoon has been working since their teenage years, yoongi didn’t expect this from seokjin. He is really disappointed but yoongi is also really proud of jungkook.

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