Chapter thirty four

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Yoongi sighed as he saw the atmosphere getting more and more tense. Taehyung was red with anger while seokjin looked like a kicked puppy. Seokjin had tears in his eyes, namjoon beside yoongi also looked really hurt, jimin was trying to control his boyfriend but taehyung didn’t budge, he continue to glare at seokjin.

"t-tae i am sorry. I regret what i did in my past. Trust me i do" seokjin pleaded, his voice wet and eyes glittering with unshed tears.

"if you were really sorry you wouldn’t repeat your action " taehyung answered.

"i am not rep—"

They all looked at the door when suddenly the door bell ring, they all wore the same confusion on their faces.

"i will get the door" jimin announced before anyone could say something. They all nods, jimin let go off taehyung's hand and went to the front door, they all looked at the door expectedly. As soon as jimin opened the door yoongi felt his alpha moving. Their sense on high alert.

'our omega'

Yoongi can recognise hoseok's scent anywhere at any moment. Yoongi's alpha is tugging him to go see their omega.

Why was hoseok here at this hour? In this weather? is he okay? What if hoseok is in some kind of danger and needs yoongi's help? Yoongi's leg was working before he could understand, yoongi reached at the door just as hoseok was about to leave.

"seok-ah " yoongi called, hoseok looked back with a surprise expression, yoongi look at hoseok's appearance, the younger poster looked tense, he was soaked from head to toe. Hoseok's cheeks looked wet as if he was crying, eyes fluffy and nose slightly red. Yoongi's heart clutch at the site of hoseok. Hm

"hi–um sorry i was about to leave—" hoseok say's in hurry, yoongi felt his heart sinking down a little bit. Did hoseok thought yoongi doesn’t want to see him anymore? "–sorry for showing up unannounced " hoseok bowed and was about to leave but yoongi couldn’t let that happen, especially in this weather and hoseok really doesn’t look very good.

"no wait—" yoongi say's as he walked past jimin and stand infront of jimin, jimin backed away and open the door completely. Others also walked near the door now watching the scenes to unfold infront of them. "–are you okay?" yoongi ask, hoseok blinked at yoongi, he seems to think about yoongi's question.

"i guess?" hoseok's answer was unsure. Yoongi frown at that.

"what happened? " yoongi ask, he knows hoseok would have never showed up here if nothing would happen. Whatever happened must be very bad for hoseok to show up.

"Hyung came looking for jungkookie " jimin answered when hoseok didn’t said anything. Yoongi looked at jimin in confusion. Jungkook? But jungkook was supposed to come back tomorrow not today and why would hoseok come looking for him here?

"but jungkookie was supposed to come back tomorrow " yoongi say's and looked at hoseok. Hoseok sighed and looked at yoongi

"he came early Because of the storm and—" hoseok stopped

"and what hoseok?" yoongi ask, he knows where's this going, he knows what will hoseok say next but he still wants to know. He wants to hear this from hoseok.

"–he found out about us—" hoseok swallow, yoongi understand him, he understood hoseok still can't say the break-up without feeling like crying. Yoongi was glad to see he and hoseok were still in the same page "–he start blaming himself, saying he is the reason we broke up, our relationship didn’t worked and if he wasn’t in the picture none of that would happen. I–i tried to stop his rumblings, i called him, tried to bring him back from his head space but he didn’t listen to me—" hoseok's eyes suddenly filled with tears "–i swear i didn’t meant to. I just couldn’t think straight, i don’t know why and how could i do something like this to my pup and now i don’t know where he is"

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