Chapter thirty eight

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Yoongi enter the apartment with a huge smile on his lips, first time in weeks he has been feeling this happy, this content. Earlier he has meet jungkook and they had another heart warming reunion, the young alpha almost cried in relief when he saw yoongi standing in the middle of the living room with a coffee cup while hoseok was laughing beside him.

Jungkook had wasted no time in dropping his school bags and running into yoongi's open arm. Hoseok was very happy to see the reunion, by the end of the hug all of them had tears in their eyes but none of them shed those. They had already shed enough tears in the last few weeks that they didn’t wanted to cry any longer.

Yoongi didn’t wanted to come back here so soon, he wanted to spent as much time as he could but he had to leave even if neither hoseok nor jungkook wanted. Yoongi still needed to talk to seokjin, what seokjin did was good and yoongi would like to thank him personally.

Even tho what seokjin did is unforgeable and yoongi knows he wont be able to forgave the oldest anytime soon, he still would like to thank him for returning yoongi's happiness to him. Yoongi would also like to tell how proud he is of seokjin for acknowledge his mistake and restore it. Jungkook told hoseok and him how seokjin meet the youngest earlier today and also apologize.

Yoongi is really proud of seokjin for that since he knows how hard it is for seokjin to apologize.

Yoongi looked around the empty livingroom, yoongi can't smell taehyung and jimin which means the alpha's are not home, yoongi wasn’t worried since the alpha's likes taking late night walks together. yoongi can smell a little bit of seokjin so either seokjin is inside his room or somewhere else.

Yoongi looked behind when he heard the front door unlocked, namjoon came through the door, he gave yoongi a polite smile which yoongi returns. Namjoon was still in his office attire which means he just returned from the meeting he was supposed to have.

They didn’t exchange anymore words and yoongi went to his room to change into more casual clothes. He will talk to seokjin later, he is sure namjoon would like to spent sometime with his mate right after coming back. Namjoon is still shaken up by seokjin earlier state. Namjoon was almost out of his mind, he was so paranoid and scared yoongi even thought about calling another doctor for the alpha but thankfully namjoon managed to stay put.

Yoongi gather his towel, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and was about to keep it on the table when his eyes caught at the envelope there. He picked it up with a confused stare. Was he supposed to receive anything? who would have sent him this? Yoongi looked at the envelop to see any name for the sender but there was none.

With a frown yoongi open the envelop, he found a letter inside, he opened the letter and start reading it.

Dear yoongi

i am sorry i didn’t had the courage to face you and apologize personally. I was too ashamed to do that. What i did is unforgivable.No matter how much i apologise i know it wont be enough. Now that i look back at time and think about us, the moments we has spent together i realize yoongi, i have given you nothing but pain in every aspect of life.

I have been hurting you since the day we became friends. You were always there for me. You gave me a shoulder when i cried, you hugged me tight when everything was a mess, you kept me safe when my own family wanted to hurt me. You left your everything just so i and namjoon doesn’t suffer.

You suffered from shoulder pain because of me. You gave up on taehyung jimin for me. You had to leave your hoseok, your son for me. Still you never misbehave with me, still you tried to understand my situation. You tried to not put all blame on me instead tried to blame yourself. You have always put everyone above you.

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