Chapter twenty four

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Hoseok woke up in a empty bed, he looked around his surrounding and found no one, he slowly sat down, his mind still goggy from the sleep. Hoseok can hear loud laughing and talking sound from outside, he got up from the bed and made his way outside the room. The living room was smelling great and hoseok felt his stomach growl at the smell of food.

Hoseok looked at the couch and found his pup playing games with jimin and taehyung, the three of them were competeting with eachother, hoseok softly smiled and went to sit down with them.

"morning eom–hyung " jungkook say's, hoseok let out a chuckle and pulled his pup in his arms.Jungkook didn’t complained at all.

"morning pup" hoseok says, his voice a little deep from not using it for hours, jungkook just smiled and shifted his attention back to playing, hoseok looked at jimin and taehyung who smiled at him softly, hoseok smiled back at them. He shared his morning greetings with them too and after that the alpha's went back to playing.

Hoseok eyes roamed around the living room, his eyes searching for his alpha but yoongi were nowhere to be found, hoseok knew the alpha was still in the house as he could still smell yoongi's scent strongly. Hoseok put his head on jungkook shoulder, he still feels oddly tired, he feels like he can sleep for the rest of the day but alas he can't. He and jungkook needs to go their home, they have already overwelcomed their stay.

"where's alp– yoongi hyung?" hoseok ask, he cursed his sleepy mind for almost calling the man alpha infront of the kids,

"he is in the kitchen with jin hyung " jimin answered, hoseok nods

"what time it is pup?" hoseok ask his son, who looked at the wall clock and then back at hoseok, none of them were paying attention to the game anymore.

"a little over seven " jungkook answered, hoseok's lifted his head from jungkook shoulder, they should leave now, even if hoseok doesn’t have work, jungkook has classes which the young alpha needs to attend.

"Go and changed into your clothes, we should leave now " hoseok say's gently, his voice was low only for his pup to hear. His pup with doe eyes nods his head, hoseok is grateful his pup understand when to be stubborn and when to be obedient.

Jungkook got up from the couch and left to yoongi's room to changed to his previous day clothes, hoseok gave the two alpha's on the couch another smile, jimin had his head on taehyung's shoulder while taehyung was scrolling on his phone. They returned the gesture and hoseok went back to yoongi's room.

When he enter the room, he found jungkook staring at yoongi's guitar on the wall, he walked near his pup. Jungkook had his clothes on his hand, clearly he was about to go to change when his eyes caught the guitar.

"yoongi hyung play's?" jungkook ask noticing hoseok beside him, hoseok hums and nods with a wide grin.

"he is really good at it too " hoseok say's with Pride, jungkook's eyes sparkle hearing that.

"do you think he can teach me?" jungkook ask with wide doe eyes, his eyes were filled with excitement and hope. Hoseok chuckled softly at his son.

"if you ask him maybe? why don’t you ask him sometimes " hoseok answered, jungkook nods his head. Making a mental note to ask yoongi to give him a lesson sometimes in the future.

"now pup go and change,, they were kind enough to let us stay the night. We can't overstay our welcome " Hoseok say's, his mind as now was fully working, went back to the conversation he had with a drunk seokjin. Hoseok's heart squeeze everytime he remember what seokjin has actually told to him.

"okay eomma " jungkook say's and went to the bathroom without any more words. Now that it was day time and hoseok was alone. Hoseok could really look around Yoongi's room. Last night he didn’t get to see much as he was really tired and wanted to just sleep.

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