Chapter twenty

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Hoseok looked at the clock and his frown deepened, the sun was already on its way to it’s horizon, the living room was glowing with the last ray of sunlight. Jungkook hasn’t returned yet. Jungkook should have returned home by now, hoseok knew jungkook hadn’t had any many classes and he had taken off day from practice to take care of hoseok.

Jungkook was supposed to be home two hours ago but he was still nowhere found, hoseok was getting very worried for his pup. Whenever his pup was supposed to be late he would always message hoseok to let him know. This never happened before.

Hoseok's omega is pacing around in distress, they are equally worried about their pup. Hoseok picked up his phone to call jungkook, his heart was beating first. He doesn’t get any good feeling. He think no he knows something is wrong. Either his pup is in danger or something like that.

Hoseok dialed jungkook number, his hands getting sweaty, jungkook phone rang one time two time three time but he didn’t picked up. Now hoseok has started to really freaked out.

"Jungkook pup pick up the phone,,where are you?" hoseok mumbled and continue to call jungkook, he sent jungkook some texts too. His heart is sinking Everytime jungkook call goes to voicemail.

Hoseok just hopes his pup is safe.


Yoongi looked out of his car window, looking at the sidewalk to see if he can spot jungkook. Yoongi was middle of a meeting when he got jungkook call. Yoongi had thought jungkook called to give him hoseok's some update. Yoongi hadn’t expected jungkook to cry in the phone while rumbling about how scared he was and how he didn’t knew where he was.

Yoongi left the meeting as soon as he hear jungkook cry. Yoongi can't imagine how scared the teenage boy must be all alone in a unknown street. Yoongi honked the car infront of him, he has already breaked few law to come here as fast as possible but he doesn’t care at this moment.

All yoongi care about is to find the pup. Yoongi's heart squeeze every now and then, his alpha trying to detect jungkook scent in the air. Both he and his alpha is desperate to find the young pup.

Yoongi saw a figure sitting a little figure sitting at the side of the road. Yoongi quickly recognize jungkook and drove there, he quickly got down from the car and stand infront of jungkook. Jungkook was sitting on the pavement with his head hiding on his knees, his shoulder was shaking every now and then, he was still crying.

"Jungkook pup " yoongi called softly, he didn’t wanted to touch jungkook suddenly and scared him, jungkook ears peeked up and he slowly raised his head. Yoongi's heart clutch painfully at the sight of jungkook.

Jungkook looked a mess, his eyes were red and swollen, tears were stroming down his cheeks, lip wobbling. Yoongi saw relief washing over jungkook as he looked at yoongi and recognize him. He got up on his feet quickly. Yoongi wasted no time in taking the young boy in his arms.

Jungkook breath into yoongi's scent, more tears flow from his eyes, staining yoongi's suit but he couldn’t care less about it. Yoongi rubbed his hand up and down, whispering nothing but comforting words to Jungkook. He was trying his best to calm the young boy down. Yoongi can feel and hear jungkook loud heart beat.

"Are you okay pup?" yoongi ask once jungkook looked calm enough and he let go off yoongi. Jungkook wiped his eyes with his sleeves and nods his head.

"t-thank you hyung for coming to get me " jungkook hiccup and wiped some more tears, yoongi looked at him with eyes full of concern.

"Come on, Let's sit inside the car and talk yeah?" yoongi say's, he doesn’t think It's a good idea of talk to a distress and crying alpha in the middle of the road. Jungkook nods his head. Yoongi escorted jungkook to his car and made the young boy seat on the passenger seat, he then went to sit at the driver seat.

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