Chapter thrity five

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A week has passed since hoseok and yoongi broke up, a week since they last saw eachother and a week since yoongi talked to anyone freely. He was still mourning over the loss of his omega, over the loss of the perfect family he was supposed to have. Yoongi's alpha still can't take the loss of their mate, making them stay quite most of the time. Yoongi terribly miss his omega, he miss hoseok and his pup.

Jungkook also didn’t tried to contact yoongi in this one week. But yoongi knows they are fine, he knows Because jimin work as a messenger for yoongi. Jimin has been taking lesson all seven day's Just so he can report yoongi about how hoseok is doing.

According to jimin hoseok has been good, he is good as good as he can be. Hoseok's smile still doesn’t reach his eyes, he still look lost sometimes. Jungkook came everyday to pick hoseok after work. Jimin also said he has told hoseok about yoongi's situation. Hoseok never explicitly asked about yoongi still jimin gave him enough information to know yoongi misses him and is equally heartbroken.

Yoongi wish he could still be with hoseok but that's just a wish that will never come to reality. Yoongi has tried to stay indoor as much as possible. He has also been ignoring seokjin. Yoongi knows seokjin has Been hurting very badly because of how everyone has been treating him. But it's not yoongi's fault, he didn’t asked any of his pack mate to stop talking with seokjin, he didn’t asked any of them to ignore seokjin. They all are doing this with their free will and yoongi has nothing to do with it.

Yoongi just hope seokjin realize his mistake sooner or later. Yoongi just hope seokjin realize just what he did. Yoongi doesn’t expect seokjin to apologise, he doesn’t since he knows seokjin can be very stubborn and egoistic. He rarely apologise and always stand his ground.

Yoongi sighed as he removed his glasses and rub his eyes, he has been working since afternoon. Yoongi took a quick glance at his window and saw the sun has already set and it was already dark outside. Yoongi looks at the clock and saw it was almost dinner time as if que yoongi's stomach grumble and he got up.

Yoongi closed his laptop, he walked near his bed and put his glasses down. He looked at his phone which was sitting on the bed. His hand was itching to Just pick it up and text hoseok. Just one text nothing big but yoongi stopped himself because he knows better. He doesn’t want to cause any more damage.

"hyung help!" yoongi looked at his door when he heard the panic High pitch voice of taehyung, before yoongi could exits his room and check what was this alpha's were up to, his room door open and a scared looking taehyung run to him, hiding behind yoongi.

Yoongi stand still for a moment, completely dumb founded, he was about to ask taehyung what was wrong when yoongi's eyes land on jimin who was now holding a takeout box. Jimin ears and cheeks were red, his eyes burning with fire.

"kim taehyung where are you!!" jimin yelled out, yoongi felt taehyung flinch behind him. Yoongi gulped when jimin eyes land on him. Yoongi immediately moved aside not wanting jimin to get mad at him. Everyone in the pack knew better than to piss off one park jimin.

"traitor! " taehyung pointed accusingly at yoongi, yoongi shrugged, he has no intention in coming between the couple fight.

"m-minnie my love my soulmate my darling i can explain love " taehyung took a step back as jimin took a step near him, yoongi stand at the sight watching intensely at what was going on.

"you fucking lied to me!" jimin say's, taehyung flinch Again even tho this time jimin voice was much softer and lack of anger.

"i didn’t mean to" taehyung pouted. Jimin sighed heavily, yoongi sensing jimin was much calmer now stand near the couple.

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