Chapter six

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Hoseok swing one last time as the music came to end, a blissful smile on hoseok's face, the same smile he always has after a succesful dance lesson. It was Friday now which means finally hoseok will have a off-day, hoseok can't wait, this week was very hectic for him, hoseok had taken way too many extra lesson and his legs are killing him. His omega also has been very tired and want to just make a nest and lay on it with their pup on it. Hoseok can't wait to finally do that.

"okay class, that's it for today. You all did great tho the foot-work need more improvement but we are going to work on that next week. " hoseok say's and all of his panting students nodded their head. Hoseok was teaching bunch of teenager right now.

"have a great weekend everyone " hoseok say's and all of his students bows, hoseok gave them a bright smile and walked towards his bag, hoseok sat down on the floor, his back facing the mirror, hoseok still had two more classes to take before he could go home.

Hoseok opened a bottle of water and took few sips, his previous students were already leaving, waving him bye's on their ways. Hoseok returned their gesture with a kind smile on his face. Hoseok put down his bottle and stretch his arms and legs, making himself more comfortable on the floor, when his phone buzz and lit up.

Hoseok pulled out his phone from his bag and opened it. Jungkook was still in his classes so of course he can't message hoseok right now, not many people knows hoseok phone number. The only person who ever called or messages hoseok were his pup or sometimes his students which needed to him.

The only person who could text hoseok right now was the alpha his omega has been dolling over ever since they first saw him. Hoseok's heart rate got faster at the thought of the said alpha. Hoseok - he feels oddly calm and comfortable around yoongi.

Hoseok wasn’t disappointed when he opened his messege app. Yoongi's name were gracefully displayed on the app with two new message. Hoseok felt his omega shifting and being on their full alert. Hoseok so desperately wanted to roll his eyes at his omega but decided not to as he was curious about what the alpha would sent.

Over the few weeks they have known eachother yoongi and hoseok talked all most everyday, either be it just a simple 'good morning ' or 'good night' text.

Yoongi hyung alpha

important question

what time are you getting off work today?

A smile spread on hoseok's lips even tho he didn’t wanted to smile, he can't help it. Yoongi has this strange power in him which makes hoseok's heart flatter.


why do you ask?

i get off at 17:55PM today

Yoongi hyung alpha

No particular reason

just wanted to know

Hoseok laughed at just how terrible yoongi is at lying.


right and you expect me to believe it huh?

Yoongi hyung alpha

can't a man just know your schedule?


no they can't

Yoongi hyung alpha

is that so?



i will wait for you dont worry,,

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