Chapter thirteen

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Yoongi sighed in relief as he seat on his chair, he had a long day today. He was in meeting all day long. Their company has decided to make some new investment with another company, they have been planning strategy on how to grow their company even more. Yoongi was so caught up in meetings and stuff he didn’t even had the time to breath properly.

Yoongi rubbed his face on his hand, he missed lunch with hoseok today. He always look foreward to meet hoseok during their lunch hours. But today he couldn’t go, tho he already informed hoseok about this the night before. Still yoongi's alpha was sulking as they missed the opportunity to see the omega today.

Yoongi heard his stomach grumble, reminding him of how hungry he was. Yoongi picked up the telephone on his desk and called the receptionist, he asked the beta girl to come meet him, he was starving and wanted to order some food from the company cafeteria. Yoongi was feeling extremely lazy to move right now after spending so much time listening to namjoon talking about this or that.

Yoongi heard three knocks on his door, he yelled out a 'come in' and the receptionist girl enter the room with a take-out box in her hand. How did she knew yoongi called her to get food?

"wow suli since when did you learned to read people mind?" yoongi ask teasingly, his eyes fix on the take-out box. Suli stare at her boss for a few moments before her eyes follow yoongi's one and she understand what yoongi meant.

"ah sorry sir but i don’t know how to read mind " she say's, yoongi averted his gaze from the box and looked at suli.

"then how did you know i called you to bring me food?" yoongi ask

"i didn’t brought the food for you sir, someone else did " with that yoongi's raised one of his eyebrows, who will bring food for him? Seokjin definitely didn’t as he and namjoon was still inside the office probable doing some nasty which yoongi has no intention of knowing.

"who did? " yoongi ask, he moved a little in his chair, trying to be more comfortable.

"while you were busy at the meeting a very pretty  boy–omega boy came, he asked to meet you but he didn’t had any appointment " Omega boy—the only omega boy yoongi is in contact right now is hoseok. Hoseok came to meet him?

"what was his name?" yoongi ask, his full attention was on the receptionist

"Hoseok Jung Hoseok " suli replied, yoongi's eyes went wide as his heart skip a beat. Hoseok came to visit him? Hoseok brought food for him.

"what? hoseok came? Why didn’t you informed me?" yoongi say's, his voice a little louded than he expected, the beta girl stare at him with wide eyes.

"I-you were in meeting sir and he didn’t had appointment i couldn’t let him go inside. Beside i call Mr Kim to inform him about hoseok-shii but he said he didn’t knew anyone by that name" the beta girl say's hurriedly, yoongi stare at her.
He can already picture hoseok's smile diming away and his scent getting dull, yoongi's heart ache at that.  tho his mind not able to understand the last part of the girl speech.

Seokjin say's he didn’t knew who hoseok was? Seokjin say's he couldn’t meet anyone? Yoongi felt his heart sinking down a little more, he shifted in his seat. He can't understand just what should he feel right now.

Yoongi is feeling a lot of emotions right now, disappointment for not being able to meet hoseok, anger for seokjin, sadness for both hoseok and seokjin.

Yoongi knew it would be hard for seokjin and taehyung the most to accept hoseok. Taehyung simply because he was overprotective of his pack and just wants to Protect his family. Yoongi knew once taehyung get to know hoseok and jungkook properly he will accept them wholeheartedly, taehyung was too kind beside for taehyung yoongi's happiness matter the most. Seokjin however were very different from taehyung and his reasoning to not liking Hoseok was also very much selfish.

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