Chapter twenty seven

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Jungkook looked at hoseok folding the laundry on the living room from the front door, he gulped and stare at hoseok's figure for a moment long, his school bag was still on his shoulder, hair sticky with sweat and shoes still on. Jungkook chewed on his lips figuring out how should he ask hoseok what he wants. Today is the last day and jungkook just abandon two of his classes to come home and ask for permission. He wanted to ask for the last week or so but everytime he backed away but nope not today.  Jungkook is 99.9% sure hoseok is going to say no but it doesn’t harm to try.

With a deep breath, jungkook removed his shoes, he without making any noice walked to hoseok, the scent blocker he was wearing helped hiding his nervous smell. Without giving hoseok any warning jungkook cling to hoseok's neck.

Hoseok yelped at the sudden contact of hand but relaxed once he realized it was just his pup, hoseok continue to fold his laundry while jungkook was clinging to him from behind. Jungkook was still debating with himself if he should ask or just forget about it.  But all of jungkook friends are going and he wants to go too. Jungkook wants to go and he can't go if he doesn’t ask hoseok right now.

"eomma my beautiful, sweet, loving the best eomma—" jungkook started, hoseok put down the hoodie he was folding and finally turned around to look at his pup. Jungkook was smiling brightly, hoseok looked at him with a raised eyebrows.

"if you need money koo, go and take some from my wallet " hoseok say's with a chuckle, jungkook smile fall and he pouted.

"i don’t want money—" jungkook Say's with a whine, hoseok crossed his hands over his chest, giving his pup a curious look

"if you dont want money then what do you want? " hoseok ask, jungkook made a noice of disbelief

"why do you think i want something from you?" jungkook ask crossing his own arms, why will hoseok think that? Yeah he wants something but hoseok shouldn’t find about it before jungkook informs him, that's not fair.

"Because my dear pup you just used that tone of yours when you want something or did something—" hoseok's eyes widen, he leaned near his pup "–what trouble did you caused in the school? "

"wow you dont trust your pup at all now do you?" jungkook say's, hoseok shrugged.

"now tell me what you want baby? i need to go do other works " hoseok say's as he turned around again and picked up the same piece of clothes he has kept down.. Jungkook gulped again, he counted till three and closed his eyes tightly.


Hoseok turned to looked at pup again, he stare at jungkook face, jungkook opened one of his eyes and took hoseok's face in.

"can you repeat yourself?—" hoseok asked, he rubbed his ear with his hand "–i think i misheard you"

"you didn’t,, you heard exactly what i said " jungkook say's, hoseok immediately shook his head.

"no you are not going " hoseok answered firmly, jungkook heart sink a little bit. But he ain't going to give up so easily.

"eomma please it's only for three night and four day's " jungkook pleaded, hoseok shook his head. He took the laundry in his hand and start walking, jungkook quickly following him behind.

"you used to let me go on my previous trips " jungkook whinned, hoseok continue to shake his head, he put the clothes in his cabinet and walked out of his room, jungkook following him like a lost puppy.

"yes Because you used to return home after sunset. This time it's for three days pup. How do you expect me to live three day's without you?" hoseok ask, jungkook knows hoseok is right. He has also never stay away from hoseok more than few hours, he has rarely spent night away from home and hoseok doesn’t like him staying at someone's house unless hoseok knows them personally.

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