Chapter three

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Yoongi can't help himself but check his phone every five minutes. He made a really bold move by sneaking a letter and flower,, he doesn’t know from where he got the confidence, maybe it was his alpha or maybe it was just the omega and his presence. Yoongi couldn’t mind himself to regret the action tho, he knows how much jungkook has liked those shoes, yoongi can already imagine the beautiful bunny smile on the pup face as he will see the shoes, only if hoseok allows them to keep.

"Yoongi,,, hello?" seokjin waved his hand infront of yoongi, who was zoning in his seat at the dinning table, his food untouched infront of him.

"huh?" yoongi say's, suddenly coming out of his trance,, he blinked at all the eyes on him. He awkwardly cleared his throat and forced a smile out.

"you okay hyung? " taehyung ask, his face clearly showing his worry, yoongi's heart soften at that as he nodded his head.

"i am okay tae,, just stress about something " yoongi say's,, he is not lying, he is actually stress about hoseok's response.

"you know you can talk to us about everything right? " it was namjoon who said that, at that yoongi smiled his gummy smile at them.

"i know joon and you know i will if it’s needed " yoongi say's, tho namjoon and others looked unconvinced they let it slide. They all resume their dinner and yoongi managed to not zone out this time. He enjoyed this lamb steak,, seokjin makes the best food in the world, yoongi has praised the omega and it was worth it when his cherry scent bloom in the room, making everyone purring and feel content.

It was later when yoongi freshened up and got ready for bed that he received the message he was waiting so desperately all day long.


Thank you for the shoes and flower

Jungkook loves them

This is hoseok btw.

A smile spread into yoongi's face, his heart flattering,, his alpha already releasing happy phenomenon and wiggling their tails.

'our omega and their pup liked our gift'

'they did'

'will you ask our omega to court us now?'

'i need to get him know first,, i will think after that'

Yoongi quickly typed out a reply for hoseok,, he is not sure if hoseok was still awake or fall asleep by now


i am glad to hear that

you said jungkook likes the shoes

did you liked the flowers?

or was it too much?

Yoongi didn’t expect a answer especially considering it was past midnight and most people usually fall asleep by now. But to his surprise he get a response after a minute or two.


yes i did like the flowers

thank you yoongi hyung.

you are really kind.

Yoongi smiled big gum full at hoseok's response, his alpha already doing a happy dance,,


i am glad to hear that hoseok.

and i am really not that great.

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