Chapter twelve

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Yoongi was the first one to woke up in the morning, the morning sunlight from the small window fall right on top of yoongi's face, making him groan and moving a little in his sleep. Yoongi blinked his eyes slowly, he tried to shift a little bit and felt a weight on his chest. His eyes snapped open as he looked down, yoongi's eyes soften at the sight of hoseok's squeeze cheeks, his mouth was half open, cheeks squeeze on yoongi's chest, hand clutching yoongi's shirt.

Yoongi felt his alpha purring at the sight of peacefully sleeping omega, they were happy that the omega felt safe enough to sleep like a baby while clinging to them.

Yoongi stare at hoseok's sleeping face for few more minutes, when yoongi felt like he was being creepy, he slowly looked around the room, the house looked more beautiful in daylight. Yoongi looked back at hoseok, he can hear hoseok heartbeat from where he was clinging. Yoongi slowly removed himself from hoseok, careful to not woke him up.

Once yoongi managed to free himself from hoseok without awaking the other up, he picked up the blanket that fall on the ground and covered  hoseok's body with it.

Yoongi looked at hoseok one last time and start looking around the apartment. He did had a tour last night but yoongi has a feeling the house would look different in day light And he was right, the house looked much more better in daylight.

Yoongi's eyes stop at one of the wall which was decorated with various picture. Yoongi walked near the wall and stand right infront of it, a warmth spread throughout his heart as his eyes looked at all the pictures of hoseok and jungkook,, all the picture from jungkook childhood to present.

Yoongi smiled as he saw a picture of a young hoseok who didn’t looked older than 8-9 years old were holding a toddler jungkook in his arms, hoseok's heart shape smile was adoring his face, while jungkook hand was on hoseok's hair, clearly the toddler were pulling hoseok's hair when the picture was clicked.

Yoongi then looked at another picture, in this one hoseok looked like he was in his teenage years, hoseok was folding something, while a 5-6 years jungkook was clinging to his legs, hoseok looked extra beautiful on this picture, his face was glowing. Yoongi couldn’t help but stretch his arms to run his finger delicately on hoseok's face.

Yoongi then looked at another picture which looked like jungkook elementary school graduation. Jungkook was holding a certificate while hoseok was holding a bouquet, both of them were smiling widely at the camera. Yoongi then looked at a picture in which hoseok was making some faces to Jungkook while jungkook was laughing while holding his stomach. Next picture was hoseok alone standing under a cherry blossom tree. Yoongi quickly stand infront of it,, he looked at hoseok with awe, in the picture hoseok was looking up with one of his hand holding some petals.

Hoseok looked breathtaking in this picture. Yoongi felt himself blushing at the sight of hoseok looking so beautiful. Upon looking at picture more carefully yoongi saw something written at the corner of the picture. Yoongi squet his eyes to read what was written there 'picture taken by jung jungkook :3 '.

Yoongi was surprised, yoongi had thought this picture was taken professionally, because of how good the angle and quality was, to say he was surprise was a understatement.

Yoongi was busy staring at the picture when he heard one of the door open on his right side, yoongi looked at the direction from where the noice came and saw a half awake jungkook coming out of the room with bed hair.

Yoongi smiled at the sight of jungkook, jungkook looked like a literal baby at this state. Jungkook eyes meet yoongi and he smiled.

"morning jungkook " yoongi greeted with a smile, jungkook smile and walked where yoongi was standing.

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