Chapter thirty one

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Something doesn’t feel right, something doesn’t feel right with hoseok.He has been feeling this very uneasy feeling since the moment he woke up. His omega has been on the edge even tho they are no where near any kind of danger or anything. They are safe inside their home still something doesn’t feel right.

Hoseok has already talked with his pup, jungkook has text him earlier in the day, telling hoseok all the excited things he did. Jungkook has been enjoying his stay at the camp. Hoseok was thankful that he allowed his pup to go otherwise jungkook would miss having fun. So jungkook wasn’t in any danger and he would be back in two day's. Still hoseok's omega has been feeling weird. His heart has been clutching every now and then,, for a moment hoseok thought he is going to have a heart attack, he was ready to call the ambulance just in case but luckily he wasn’t having any attack.

Hoseok has also talked with his alpha. Yoongi has messaged him in the morning, asking hoseok to meet him at one of the park sometimes during the afternoon. Hoseok of course was very excited to meet his alpha but he knows the uncomfortable feelings he has been feeling is not Because of the excitement or nervousness to meet his alpha. It was something else and hoseok can't pin point what exactly it is.

Hoseok looked outside his living room window, the sky has been gloomy all morning. The sun has not shown up at all, hiding behind all the dark clouds. The weather podcast has said there's going to be a storm in a day or two. Hoseok just hopes his pup comes back before the storm.

It was a little after lunch, hoseok doesn’t have much to do. He had a morning class which he was already done with. He was bored out of his mind, he was already done with all his chores. He was feeling even more anxious because of that. He has spent some time dancing with music.

Hoseok sighed and walked into his bedroom, he walked to his dresser, opened the first drawer and pulled out a small black box. Hoseok opened the box, a shy smile on his lips as he touch the silver watch he has brought for his alpha—a courting gift for his alpha.

Hoseok loves yoongi, he can see himself spending the rest of his life with him. Yoongi loves hoseok, he loves jungkook. Jungkook loves yoongi and it’s perfect. Hoseok's omega has been smitten by yoongi's alpha since the day they meet and they already consider yoongi and his alpha as their mate so it was only time before one of them ask others to be mate.

It’s not very common for omega's to make the first move during courting. Even tho the social standards has been changed and the difference between alpha omega and beta are reducing the mating rituals still remain the same. The omega always wait for the alpha's or their other potential partner to ask them to court. Hoseok also had the full intention of doing the same thing. Waiting for yoongi to ask him.

But when hoseok said this to Jungkook, jungkook has given hoseok lecture in ten different way with ten different reason. Jungkook was actually offended with hoseok's thought. He has scolded hoseok saying 'why should alpha always make the first move? Why can't you ask hyung to court you? It was hyung who asked you out on a date so now it's your turn to make a first move. Come on eomma dont be a chicken and do what you and omega eomma wants. Ask your alpha to court you!!'.

Hoseok has thought about his pup's words. Jungkook was right and hoseok knows that. But the fear of getting rejected was still present there even tho hoseok knew never in million years will yoongi reject him. Especially when yoongi had said he wants hoseok to be his mate when they first meet. Hoseok has told his pup his worries and jungkook once again ended up lecturing hoseok for more than a hour.

Sometimes hoseok wonder if he is jungkook mother or jungkook is his?

Anyway after overcoming all his fear and random question he had here and there hoseok finally decided to make the first move. He has spent a little–actually not little but a lot of his fortune to buy the watch for his future mate.Hoseok and yoongi are already dating for few months now, they have confessed their love for eachother and hoseok thinks it's the perfect time to drop the question.

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