Chapter twenty five

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The tension in the air of kim min house was thick–very thick. Anyone could guess something was definitely wrong between the pack alpha and it’s mate. Jimin and taehyung gulped from where they were sitting as soon as namjoon, seokjin and yoongi enter the house. They looked at yoongi with a raised eyebrows wanting to know what has happened. Yoongi just shrugged.

Yoongi excused himself to his room as soon as he could. He already had to suffer entire day at the office and in the car too. Usually yoongi takes a separate car while namjoon and seokjin takes another. Yoongi didn’t liked being third wheels between the couple and by grace the couple was chessy as heck especially in the car.

Young after a long day of work never has the desire to witness that cheesiness when he himself as single. But that was before he meet hoseok and even after meeting hoseok yoongi is not too fond of being the third wheel, beside he likes the quietness he has in car.

But today before yoongi could even do anything namjoon got into his car, yoongi stare at his friend for a minute long before taking the driver seat. And as yoongi was about to drive away seokjin opened the backseat door and got in. Yoongi gave them a concerning look before accepting his fate of being their driver for the day.

The car ride was so tense yoongi's alpha had started to feel very uncomfortable and yoongi himself could feel the tensions all around him. Yoongi saw seokjin looking at namjoon with pain in his eyes while namjoon was just scrolling on his phone without uttering a single word. The entire ride was kind of hell for yoongi, usually he likes silence as it makes him feel calm and composed but today he hated the silence as it only made him uncomfortable and suffocated.

Yoongi may have idea of what might has happened between seokjin and namjoon. Yoongi knows namjoon must have already talked to seokjin, when yoongi told namjoon he had expected Namjoon to talk but not that soon, guess namjoon took everything too personal. Whatever it was yoongi was glad namjoon has talked with seokjin.

It must sound selfish yoongi to be glad for the unspoken fight his friends were having because of him,, but yoongi couldn’t bring himself to feel bad. He can't bring himself to feel bad because he knows he knows seokjin deserve the treatment he is receiving from namjoon. What seokjin did was absolutely unforgivable. Seokjin has no right to mingle in between yoongi's romantic life pack or not.

If hoseok was somewhat a bad person or jungkook was a bad kid then maybe yoongi would have understood seokjin behaviour. He would understand whatever seokjin was doing to protect yoongi from a heart break but this wasn’t the case. Neither hoseok is a bad person and neither jungkook is a bad kid. Infact hoseok is one of the kindest purest soul yoongi has seen and jungkook well jungkook was jungkook. The omega takes pride at how he raised his son and yoongi understand that. He has seen the way jungkook behave, he has seen the way jungkook loves and cares for hoseok. He has seen both omega and it’s pup in their most venerable state yet they were the best, the purest to him (yoongi maybe a little biased).

What seokjin did was for his sake only. He did that because he couldn’t handle the fact that just because he couldn’t have pup, he couldn’t adopt a pup someone else can't. Seokjin was jealous of hoseok, he was jealous of the bond hoseok and jungkook shares, he is jealous that no matter what he does he will never have the bond hoseok and jungkook has and It's the reality none of them can changed.

Honestly anyone would be jealous of the bond hoseok and jungkook shares, from someone outside perspective no one can tell jungkook is not hoseok's real son, no one can tell hoseok didn’t gave birth to the boy he is willing to sacrifice his life for. And yoongi would have been jealous too, he would have been but he is not. He is not because he is a part of that bond now. He can see the way jungkook looks at him with eyes full of admiration and love. Yoongi knows jungkook loves him, it's very easy to love when you are as young as jungkook. It's very easy to learn to love when you have the influence of someone as pure as hoseok.

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