(34). Run away

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Ryujin slowly lifted her heavy eyelids. She had finished dinner and had been thinking absentmindedly when she fell asleep without realizing it.

The room she was in wasn’t that dark, even at night. Next to the bed, there was a large window without any curtains or blinds. She could clearly see the headlights of the cars driving across the bridge.


Ryujin wet her dry lips and let out a deep sigh. Ten days had passed since she was locked up inside this room against her will. If she included the days she had been unconscious from her gunshot wound, it was closer to 2 weeks.

The doctor in the suit who was disguised as an office worker had come to her room at the same time every day to check on her. 4 days ago, he declared that she was on the road to recovery and hadn’t returned since. Therefore, Hyunjin was the one who came instead to disinfect her wound. He also washed her in the bathroom once a day, taking care to keep her bandaged arm dry. She tried to refuse, but it was no use. Thanks to him, she realized that it was a lot more comfortable to use both hands when washing her hair.

He was also the one who took care of her meals. If she whined about not wanting to eat anymore, he pretended not to hear her and shoved the spoon into her mouth. Therefore, Ryujin helplessly ate all her meals regularly and ate the same amount as he did. Thanks to him, she felt that she had gained some weight while she was locked up in this room.


When Ryujin unconsciously moved, the lump of metal at her wrist rattled against the iron pole of the headboard. Two days ago, while Hyunjin was out of the room to talk on the phone, she had attempted to escape. He caught her and handcuffed her to the bed.

Frowning, Ryujin grabbed the bell on the table and angrily rang it. Soon, the door opened and Hyunjin came inside holding a glass of whiskey.


Ryujin silently glared at him as he stared back at her. He indifferently asked her a question when she didn’t say anything.


Instead of responding, Ryujin bit her lip in frustration. He sat down by her bed and began to unlock the handcuffs. Whenever she had the chance, Ryujin tried to attack him, but Hyunjin always subdued her easily. It didn’t take long for her to realize that it was pointless. She silently watched him as he unlocked her handcuffs.

Cling. A metallic noise sprang from the handcuffs as they became undone. Ryujin sprang up from her seat and walked towards the bathroom. Before Hyunjin could follow behind her, she closed the door. She proceeded to do her business as slow as possible.

'Just when was he going to let me out of here?'

The back of her shoulder still throbbed, but she could move her arm just fine. As if he had read her mind, he always kept her handcuffed to the bed whenever he had to leave or if she was ever alone in the room.

Ryujin took her time as she washed her hands in frustration before turning around to leave the bathroom. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Hyunjin standing there, keeping watch. Behind him, the door leading to the living room was tightly shut as always.

They were currently in a room on the top floor of a hotel that KeumOh owned. She knew that this was where Hyunjin lived from when she had initially investigated him. Back then, she had planned to infiltrate this personal space of his by seducing him, but she never imagined she’d end up here like this.

Judging from the size of the bedroom, living room, and study alone, this room seemed to be the size of a penthouse. However, because there was only a handful of furniture inside, it looked desolate and dreary. The living room only had a treadmill and a weight training bench, a long sofa, a cabinet, and a safe. That was it.

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