(6). Like a child

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"I can’t really get to know them very well until we’ve sweat it out at least ten times." he answered.

Ryujin silently smiled as thoughts filled her mind. As if he could read her mind, he spoke up once more.

"In case you might misunderstand, I’ll be more clear. I’m talking about sex. When I make the effort to get to know a woman, I do it in bed."

"…You strike me as a man who is talented in all things, so I’m looking forward to it." she said.

"Are you usually this brazen?" he asked.

"I’ll take that as a compliment."

At her unfazed reply, Hyunjin chuckled.

"Are you really not interested in playing a match with me?" she asked.

He frowned and gave her a strange smile as he stared at her. Then he turned his head away from her.

"Why don’t we do that next time we meet. I’m a bit too busy at the moment to be entertaining a child."

Ryujin's heart was still racing inside her chest. He was definitely attracted to her, but he continued to treat her like a child. She didn’t want to lose to this man.

"I can’t really trust someone who lies, but since you’re busy, I’ll stop bothering you." she said. As he was walking away from her.


He stopped in his tracks.


"What did I lie about?" Hyunjin asked.

Hyunjin furrowed his brow. Ryujin threw her racket bag over her shoulder and whispered as she passed by him.

"For someone who isn’t attracted to a rookie like me, isn’t your body’s reaction a bit excessive?"

Her deer-like eyes traveled down Hyunjin's body. They lingered on the obvious bulge pushing up against his dark gray sweatpants before gliding back up to his eyes. She raised an eyebrow. She didn’t even give him a chance to respond and brushed past him as she walked away.


Hyunjin let out a breath as he laughed.

She walked over to a squash court. Then she took out her racket and held it with both hands before bending down to stretch.

Hyunjin was unable to take his eyes off her and continued to look into the room. When their eyes met, Ryujin's lips stretched into an innocent smile.


She swung the racket with ease. Her play was good, almost as if to prove to him that she had the skills to play a match with him. She quickly ran as the ball recoiled off the wall and hit it harder.

As her shorts rode up with her movements, her slender waist peeked through. Hyunjin's mouth went dry. He began to rummage through his bag as he searched for some water when he remembered that he’d drunk it all a moment ago. He chuckled.

While he had been playing his game, he knew that somebody was watching him. But he didn’t pay it any mind. However, when he left the court and opened the door, he was faced with an eye-catching beauty. And like any man, all the blood in his body rushed to his cock. The woman joked around like a chirping baby chick, but if she was only a bit older, he would have wanted to take her right then and there.

He tried to dampen her spirits, but what he got instead was her glistening, bold eyes. Just thinking about her reaction made his erection stiffen even more. Even though she was young, she was quite persistent. The woman continued to chase after the ball. However, her racket missed the ball by a hair’s breadth. She looked at the ball on the ground as she panted.

Her flushed face turned around and she met his eyes. She frowned as if she was having some difficulty. As he gazed at her natural face, he felt a sense of déjà vu. But that was ridiculous. He would have remembered seeing a beauty like her before. How strange.

It must really have been a while since he’d last had a woman.

Hyunjin smiled bitterly and turned his head. He was going to have to extend his workout time.


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