(32). Plan

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"What are you going to do now, Sunbae-nim?"

Hyunjin gazed at Ryujin. She had finally fallen asleep after receiving the sedatives. He raised his head. He had lost weight in the past few days.

"…I need to give Jeong Jaehyun a call."

He took out his cellphone and left the room. His colleagues followed behind him.

"What are you going to say to him?"

Lieutenant Choi JoongWon, who had been standing outside the room, looked at him with worried eyes. He was Hyunjin's police subordinate and the man he had become accustomed to calling General Manager Choi.

"Now that the patient has woken up, I should report it."

Hyunjin pressed the speakerphone button and placed the cellphone on the table. He then leaned on the sofa and took out a cigarette. As expected, Jaehyun answered the call as soon as it started to ring. He had definitely been waiting for Hyunjin's call.

"What a pleasant surprise. Director Hwang has decided to call me for a change."

"Things have been happening on our side lately."

Biting his cigarette, Hyunjin crossed his legs.

"Really? What happened?"

"Three days ago, one of my newly recruited employees came to the YongSung founding party and shot Jackson Wang."

"And why are you telling me such an important thing now?"

Jaehyun's voice over the speakerphone sounded sharp, but it didn’t sound surprised. No matter how hard Hyunjin tried to keep the word from spreading, there was no way Jaehyun hadn’t heard about such grave news within YongSung.

"I needed to check something first."

"Check what?"

"I needed to know who was behind this. It might have been the work of another mob organization, but I couldn’t rule out the possibility of another coup from the inside."

"…Then wouldn’t torturing the bitch who shot the gun do the trick?"

"I never said it was a woman. You’re very intuitive."

There was a moment of silence. Everyone listening to the speakerphone on the table had grave expressions on their faces. Hyunjin didn’t wait for Jaehyun's answer and languidly spoke.

"Anyways, even if I wanted to torture her, she got shot in the process and fainted, so that wasn’t an option."

"…Did she die?"

Jaehyun's soft voice sounded serious as he asked.

"No. She woke up just a while ago."

Hyunjin took a deep drag of the cigarette as he observed the tension. Even though there was no sound coming from the speakerphone, Jaehyun had not ended the call.

"As you said, we did some work on her. And she told us that she worked for Serim."

"What a wicked bitch. I don’t know anything about this."

As Jaehyun feigned ignorance, Hyunjin slowly exhaled the cigarette smoke. His dark eyebrows went up. He had already expected Jaehyun to react like this.

"Then it shouldn’t matter if I kill the woman. I understand. There are still things I want to figure out, so I’ll spend a bit more time with her before I take care of her."

General Manager Choi and Lieutenant Han caught their breaths. They didn’t know why Hyunjin was speaking like this to Jaehyun.

"Director Hwang."

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