(59). Again {End}

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"I heard lawyers encounter all sorts of people, but this is really interesting. I thought this kind of thing only happened in movies."

"Sometimes, reality can be even crazier than movies."

"I think you're right, especially in today's day and age."

The man couldn't take his eyes off of Ryujin as he smiled softly. His throat was sore from talking so much. Ryujin lifted her glass and gulped down its contents. Then she met the surprised eyes of the man sitting next to her and lowered her glass of liquor.

"I'm usually terrible with alcohol, but seeing as how you're listening to me with so much interest, I couldn't help but get excited."

"Drink as much as you'd like. It's the least I can do for someone who will be my asset consultant."

Ryujin swept back her black hair and smiled at him with a flushed face.

"What if I want to meet you for more personal reasons?"


Seeing the blatant desire flash in his surprised eyes, Ryujin replied cheerfully.

"I'm usually on the more professional side when I'm working. If we begin talking about business, you might find me less likable."

"There's no way that will happen."

Ryujin's new business associate tried to feign nonchalance as he shook his head.

"Sometimes I have clients who avoid me because they don't feel comfortable revealing such personal details about themselves. But since I'm their lawyer, if I don't know my clients completely, I won't be able to do my work properly."

"You're completely right."

"Thank you for being so understanding."

Ryujin raised her glass to him as her eyes narrowed with laughter. As her glass gradually emptied, she noticed how his eyes began to linger on her. Ryujin opened her mouth and began to speak.

"So you're currently doing your best to avoid the inheritance tax, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"How much is your parents' assets worth? Including all the cash, real estate, and any secret funds kept in foreign countries."

Ryujin listened to his reply and stretched out her hand to take another sip of her cocktail. However, her heart was racing inside her chest and she felt like spitting out a curse.

"If it's worth that much, I think..."

Ryujin kept a cautious expression on her face and counted to five inside her head before she continued. It was always important to take things slow. Now that she was in a foreign country, she couldn't afford to lose such a big catch.

("Excuse me.")

'Damn it.'

The bartender had to pick this moment to clear her empty glass and replace it with another one even though she didn't ask. Ryujin decided to take this as a sign from the heavens to relax and take things slow. She did her best to grin at him.

("What is this? Is this on the house?")

("This is a Manhattan.")

Ryujin nodded as she raised the glass filled with a brilliant liquor.

"It suits this place perfectly. Do you know about the origins of this cocktail?"

"No, I don't think I quite know..."

Ryujin gave him an alluring smile as she watched him gaze at her.

"Ah, this is just something I heard in a bar I frequent. They say there was a Native American chieftain in America who was drunk when he handed over all of Manhattan."

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