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Hazel's feelings toward the impending move weren't those of anxiety or distress; rather, she viewed it as a welcome change. The current school environment failed to spark any joy or enthusiasm within her, so when her mom broke the news about relocating, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her.

Sharing the couch with her twin brother, Miguel, their attention was divided between the television and their respective digital devices. While Miguel passionately recounted an unsettling encounter with a neighbor who made racially charged remarks, Hazel's focus was elsewhere. She absently scrolled through her Instagram feed, her mind drifting amidst the sea of images and updates.

Miguel's voice broke through her digital reverie, jolting her back to the present moment. "Hey, are you even listening to me?" he inquired, his tone a mix of annoyance and concern. Hazel looked up, realizing she had been lost in the virtual world, momentarily disconnected from the conversation unfolding beside her.

"I mentioned we should grab some pepto for Yaya," Miguel stated, forging ahead with the task without awaiting her input.

"Absolutely, we'll make a quick trip," she chuckled, her gaze flickering back to her Instagram feed.

Miguel's frustration simmered as Hazel's response remained distant. "Come on, Haz, it's important," he implored, seeking her cooperation.

Hazel offered a nonchalant shrug, briefly lifting her eyes from her phone. "You've got this, big guy," she quipped, her tone tinged with indifference.

Recognizing the futility of convincing her otherwise, Miguel sighed in resignation. With a resigned nod, he departed for the store alone, his determination undeterred despite his sister's lack of support. Stepping into the unknown, Miguel left Hazel to her digital distractions once more, the allure of social media reclaiming her attention.

Retreating to her room, Hazel sought solace in the familiar comfort of her favorite TV show, Teen Wolf. Lost in the supernatural drama unfolding on the screen, she momentarily forgot about the world outside her bedroom door.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Miguel's solemn figure appeared in the doorway. His usually vibrant demeanor was replaced by a subdued presence, his face bearing marks of distress.

Hazel's heart quickened at the sight of her brother's bruised appearance. "What happened?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern and fear.

Miguel hesitated for a moment before recounting the troubling events that had transpired. "Some guys jumped me," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. As he detailed the harrowing encounter, Hazel's initial shock gave way to a surge of protective instinct for her twin.

Hazel's eyes widened in disbelief as Miguel divulged the unsettling truth about his altercation. "How did it happen?" she demanded, her voice quivering with a blend of concern and indignation.

Miguel let out a heavy sigh, his gaze dropping to the floor as he recounted the chain of events. "I accidentally snitched on these guys trying to buy beer," he admitted.

Frustration coursed through Hazel, her fists tightening with pent-up anger. A whirlwind of emotions churned within her as she grappled with the injustice of the situation and the danger her brother had faced. "Those assholes, picking on someone clearly not their match," she seethed, her voice laced with contempt.

Miguel offered a wry smile, infused with irony, as he looked at Hazel. "Thanks for believing in me," he said, the sarcasm dripping from his words. "I'm glad to know you've got my back."

Hazel shook her head, her frustration tempered by a hint of affection for her brother. "You know that's not what I meant," she replied, her voice softening.

Miguel's expression softened as he reached out to reassure her. "Hey, don't worry too much," he said gently. "Turns out, our supposedly racist neighbour isn't really racist came to my defense."

Relief washed over Hazel as she processed his words. Despite the chaos and uncertainty, she found solace in the unexpected support from an unlikely source. "Okay, let's go to sleep now."

Hazel rolled her eyes and with a sigh closed her eyes as she turned around facing the wall to sleep.

The following morning, Miguel insisted that his sister join him outside to wait for the peculiar individual. Both engrossed in their phone conversations, Hazel aired her grievances about Miguel's life choices, only to be met with his indifference.

When Miguel spotted a red car, he sprang into action, urging Hazel to follow. "Let's go," he said, leaving her behind. As the blond old man emerged from the car, Miguel expressed gratitude, "All right you said it." The old man said,his tone mirrored Hazel's annoyance.

The old man seemed equally vexed by the situation, much to Hazel's amusement. Yet, despite their shared irritation, only she dared to reprimand Miguel. "Hey, cut it out asshole. He's just trying to be nice," she chided the disheveled-looking man, her words sharp and direct.

""Who even are you?" the blonde man retorted, his gaze flickering with irritation as he glanced at Hazel before striding away with a dismissive air.

Hazel bristled with indignation, her instinct urging her to unleash a scathing retort. However, before she could utter a word, her brother Miguel intervened, stepping forward to address the departing figure. "Hey, hold up. She's my sister," Miguel called out, his tone a mix of curiosity and protectiveness. "So, last night, was that jujitsu, taekwondo, MMA, or something?" he inquired, quickening his pace to catch up with the man.

The blonde man paused, glancing back at Miguel with a faint hint of annoyance before replying, "It was karate. Old school karate."

As the conversation unfolded, Hazel couldn't shake the impression that despite the man's muscular build, there was a certain heaviness in his demeanor. It wasn't just his physical appearance that gave her pause; rather, it was the palpable sense of melancholy that seemed to weigh him down, as if the burden of his sadness had sapped him of any strength he might possess.

"Do you think you could teach me?" Miguel inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of hope and desperation as he looked to the man.

The man, Johnny, paused, his attention focused on opening his mailbox. "What? No," he replied curtly, his tone dismissive.

Miguel persisted, his plea tinged with urgency. "Come on, when school starts, those guys are going to make my life miserable," he reasoned, attempting to appeal to Johnny's empathy.

Johnny didn't even spare Miguel a glance as he continued with his task. "Not my problem," he stated bluntly, his tone final.

As Miguel attempted to persuade Johnny to teach him karate, Hazel couldn't help but interject with her signature sass and wit.

"Come on, Miguel, karate? You'll end up breaking more than just boards," Hazel quipped, her tone laced with humor as she leaned against the mailbox.

Miguel shot her a glare, but she merely shrugged, undeterred by his annoyance. Turning her attention to Johnny, she added, "Besides, who needs karate when you've got charm like mine to fend off bullies?"

Johnny let out a small chuckle, his stoic demeanor softening momentarily in response to Hazel's humor. "Sorry, kid, not my scene," he replied, shaking his head as he sorted through his mail.

Miguel persisted, his determination evident in his voice. "But if I knew just a little bit of what you know-"

Cutting Miguel off, Johnny turned to him with a firm gaze. "I don't do karate anymore. Plus, I need to find a job," he explained, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Hazel rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, if you ever decide to open your own dojo, I'll be your first student," she declared, flashing Johnny a mischievous grin.

Johnny couldn't help but smile at Hazel's remark, his demeanor softening slightly. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass," he replied with a hint of amusement.

With that, Johnny bid them farewell and headed towards his apartment, leaving Hazel and Miguel with a mixture of disappointment and amusement. "Well, that didn't go as planned," Hazel remarked, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she exchanged a knowing look with her brother.

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