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Just like everyone else involved in the brawl, Hazel received a two-week suspension. But the consequences didn't faze her. With her focus entirely on her brother's well-being, she had little interest in returning to school. Every moment, she hovered around Miguel, eager to ensure he was alright, he was in a coma but she talked to him like he was awake.

In the aftermath of the fight, Hazel withdrew from everyone, including Eli, Demetri, Johnny, and Tory. The only exception was Aisha, whom she spoke to briefly to bid farewell before Aisha's departure.

Once home from the hospital when her leg was alright and got stitches on her cheek, Hazel found herself sitting on her bed, lost in thought and contemplating life's twists and turns over the past few months. From moving, joining Cobra Kai, dating Eli, Kreese, dealing with the aftermath of her relationship with Eli, to that weird guy named Josh, the memories swirled in her mind in no particular order, leaving her grappling with a mix of emotions and reflections.

The aftermath of the fight left Hazel feeling like her world had been shattered into a million irreparable pieces. It wasn't just about the physical scars or the pain—it was about the emotional wreckage that lingered long after the bruises faded.

Every time she glanced in the mirror, she was confronted with a harsh reminder of the violence that had torn through her life. She couldn't shake the image of her own reflection, marked by the brutality of the fight. The scar on her cheek served as a constant reminder of the chaos that had engulfed her existence.

She used to admire Eli's scar, finding it a symbol of strength and resilience. But now, as she struggled to come to terms with her own disfigurement, she couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness. She longed for the days when she could look in the mirror without being consumed by self-doubt and insecurity.

The prospect of returning to school filled her with dread. How could she face her classmates, knowing they would see the scars that marred her once flawless complexion? The thought of their judgment and pity was suffocating.

But amidst the darkness, one thing remained constant—her unwavering determination to be there for her brother, Miguel. He needed her now more than ever, and she refused to let him face his own demons alone. Despite her own inner turmoil, she found solace in the strength of their bond, clinging to the hope that together, they could weather any storm.

Hazel found it impossible to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, the cacophony of cracks and groans echoed in her mind—Miguel's back, her own leg. The sound haunted her, making rest elusive. Instead, she spent most of her days at the hospital, unable to bear the silence of her own thoughts at home.

Hazel sat by Miguel's bedside, her voice soft and soothing as she recounted her day at home. "I love you, Miguel," she whispered, her words filled with tenderness. "Please, don't give up. Stay strong for me."

Suddenly, she noticed a change in his heart rate monitor, the beeping becoming more rapid. Panic surged through her as she called for a nurse, her voice trembling with fear.

The nurse rushed to Miguel's side, followed closely by a team of medical professionals. They worked quickly to assess the situation, their movements urgent and focused.

Then, miraculously, Miguel's eyes fluttered open, his gaze finding Hazel's. Relief flooded through her as she reached out to grasp his hand, her heart overflowing with gratitude and love.

Hazel sat across from her mother in the hospital cafeteria, waiting for the doctors to finish his checking if everything was fine with Miguel. Their conversation heavy with unspoken tension. She took a deep breath, steeling herself to broach the topic that had been weighing on her mind.

"Mom, I know you're worried about Miguel and everything that's happened," Hazel began tentatively, "but I really think we need to talk about karate."

Carmen looked up from her coffee, her expression guarded. "Hazel, I don't want to hear it," she said firmly. "Karate has brought nothing but trouble."

"But Mom, it's not the karate itself," Hazel insisted, frustration creeping into her voice. "It's Kreese. He's the problem, not the martial art."

Carmen shook her head, her resolve unwavering. "I don't care, Hazel. Right now, all I care about is Miguel. We need to focus on him."

Hazel felt a surge of frustration and hurt at her mother's dismissal. "Don't you think I know what karate can do?" she exclaimed, her voice rising slightly. "Look at my face." She pointed to the scar on her cheek. "What would have happened if I didn't know karate?"

Carmen's expression softened momentarily, but then hardened again. "I don't want to think about what could have happened," she said quietly, avoiding Hazel's gaze. "I just want to focus on Miguel."

Hazel felt a pang of disappointment as her mother stood up, ready to leave. She watched silently as Carmen walked away, her heart heavy with the weight of their unresolved conversation.


As the twins sat together, Miguel noticed the bandage adorning Hazel's right cheek, his brow furrowing with concern. "What happened?" he asked softly, his voice filled with worry.

Hazel hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering away before she met his eyes. "It's nothing," she murmured, attempting to brush off his concern.

But Miguel wasn't easily dissuaded. "That doesn't look like nothing," he insisted, his tone gentle but firm.

Reluctantly, Hazel sighed, realizing she couldn't keep the truth from him. "During the fight, Tory grabbed me by the hair and hit me with her bracelet," she confessed, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I don't even know if she meant to, but..." She trailed off, a wave of sadness washing over her. "My face is deformed anyway."

Miguel's expression softened as he listened, his heart aching for his sister. "Hazel, that's not true," he interjected, his voice filled with sincerity. "You're perfect just the way you are, scars and all. Even if it doesn't go away."

Hazel's eyes welled with tears at his words, overwhelmed by his unwavering support. She reached out and squeezed his hand, grateful for his reassurance.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the doctor, his expression serious as he entered the room. Hazel's heart skipped a beat as she watched the doctor approach Miguel's bed, her worry intensifying.

As the doctor began his examination, Hazel's anxiety grew with each passing moment. Then, the doctor delivered the news that shattered her hopes—Miguel couldn't feel anything in his legs.

Hazel's breath caught in her throat, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. She glanced at Miguel, his expression mirroring her own fear. Despite the turmoil raging inside her, she forced herself to remain composed for his sake.

When the doctor asked her mother to step outside for a private conversation, Hazel's heart sank. She watched them leave the room, her mind swirling with questions and fears about Miguel's future.

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