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‼️SMUT (+18)

Hazel stepped out of the hospital, the cold night air a stark contrast to the stifling tension she felt inside. She had just visited Miguel, and her mind was racing with worry. As she walked down the quiet street, she heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Eli.

"Hazel, wait up," Eli called out, his voice echoing in the stillness.

Hazel quickened her pace, her heart pounding. "I don't want to talk to you, Eli."

He caught up to her, determination etched on his face. "Please, Hazel. Just hear me out."

Hazel spun around, her eyes blazing with anger. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say. I hate you, Eli. Especially after what you did."

Eli looked taken aback. "What are you talking about?"

"You stole the car wash money from Miyagi-Do," Hazel spat, her voice trembling with fury. "They were for Miguel! How could you do that?"

Eli's expression hardened. "I did it to get back at them for what they did to Your brother."

"That doesn't justify anything, Everyone makes mistakes" Hazel snapped. "You've become someone I don't even recognize. Ever since you started those karate lessons with Kreese, you've changed for the worse."

Eli looked down, his anger giving way to a flicker of guilt. "I thought it would help. I thought it would make things right."

"Well, it didn't," Hazel said, turning away from him. She started walking again, but Eli's voice stopped her.

"Let me at least walk you home. It's really late and... it's dark out."

Hazel glanced at the shadowy street ahead, the streetlights casting long, eerie shadows. She didn't want his company, but the thought of walking alone in the darkness made her uneasy. She sighed, relenting. "Fine. But don't talk to me."

They walked in silence, the tension between them palpable. When they finally reached her house, Hazel turned to him, her expression a mixture of anger and sorrow.

"I can't believe how much you've changed, Eli," she said, her voice breaking. Her tears mixed with the rain that was falling out of the sky. "I hate what you've become."

Eli looked at her, pain in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Hazel. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's too late for apologies," she replied, her voice cold. "Just go."

Eli nodded, stepping back into the night. Hazel watched him go, her heart heavy with the weight of their fractured past.

Before Eli could go far, the storm intensified. Thunder rumbled ominously, and a bolt of lightning struck frighteningly close to Johnny's car, illuminating the night with a blinding flash. Hazel flinched and reluctantly called out to Eli.

"Wait," she said, her voice devoid of enthusiasm. "You should come inside until the storm calms down."

Eli hesitated, then asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Hazel replied curtly. "There's no one else at home."

They walked back to the house, the rain beginning to pour down in sheets. Once inside, Hazel busied herself in the kitchen, prepping tea. She moved with mechanical efficiency, avoiding any eye contact with Eli, who stood awkwardly in the living room, dripping wet.

The silence between them was thick and uncomfortable. Hazel's anger was palpable, and Eli shifted uneasily. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Are you okay?" he asked tentatively.

𝖫𝗈𝗏౿ᑲ𝗈ოᑲ -𝖤ᥣꪱᜒ 𝖬𝗈ડƙ𝗈⍵ꪱᜒ𝗍ʑWhere stories live. Discover now