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Hazel hadn't spoken to her brother since that night at Miyagi-Do. It was strange, and their mother had asked about it, but they'd just shrugged it off. Hazel spent most of her time at the Cobra Kai dojo with Robby, making sure he was okay and supporting him mentally. Miguel's words always echoed in her mind, but she had learned to suppress the thoughts.

Johnny walked quickly and angrily to Cobra Kai, throwing the doors open. He kicked open the door to the back room and saw Kreese training two people. "What took you so long?" Kreese asked him. Robby looked over his shoulder at his dad. "Robby..." Johnny whispered, a mix of shock and disappointment. Hazel faced him with a glare. "Hazel... What are you doing here?" he asked, his disappointment doubling.

"They're exactly where they both belong," Kreese said as he walked forward, Robby looking at him. "As are you. Three generations of Cobra Kai working together. We won't just dominate the tournament, we'll melt this whole snowflake generation," he said, his voice lowering.

He started walking forward, Johnny taking a step back. "This is really your last chance, Johnny. Are you in or are you out?" Kreese asked in a bored tone.

"Listen to him, Johnny," Hazel said, catching his attention. "He only wants what's best for you." Johnny looked between his son, Hazel, and Kreese.

He stalked up to Kreese, his face never changing. He walked up and kicked the man before throwing some punches. The fight soon led to the outer dojo, the two kicking and hitting each other. Robby and Hazel followed them out.

Kreese shoved Johnny into the wall with weapons. Johnny glanced over and grabbed a sai knife from the wall. "No!" Hazel yelled. "Don't do it!" Robby yelled too, looking at Johnny.

Johnny dropped the knife as he walked back over. He dodged a punch from Kreese and flipped him. He then started to punch Kreese repeatedly in the face. Robby ran over and grabbed Johnny, pulling him away. "Help me out!" he asked, and Hazel joined him.

Johnny looked at him. "You don't understand. You can't trust him!" he said between pants. "And I can trust you?" Robby asked bitterly. "Robby, please, listen to me—" Johnny started, but Robby cut him off.

"You know, all those years you weren't there, I blamed myself. Sensei Kreese is right. I can't be my own worst enemy. But you can be!" he growled before punching, Johnny blocking him.

Johnny blocked every punch and kick but didn't fight back. He grabbed him by the back of his neck. "Stop it!" he said sternly. But Robby quickly got out of that hold. "I won't fight you," Johnny said, but that didn't stop Robby.

Robby landed a punch across his jaw, then shoved him back, a crazed look in his eyes. "You are weak," he said before lunging again. Hazel didn't know what to do. She didn't want to interfere. It seemed too personal.

Johnny blocked before catching his arm and shoving him. Robby's face hit right against the corner of the metal lockers, the boy falling to the ground on impact.

"Robby! Oh my god! Are you okay?" Hazel started shaking him, sitting next to him.

"Shit..." Johnny muttered. "Robby, Robby, are you okay?" He went to his side, but Robby didn't move. "Robby, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Robby, I'm sorry I hurt you." He shook him, but the boy was out.

"Leave him alone!" Hazel yelled with tears in her eyes at Johnny. "You're a monster!"

"Hazel... I didn't—" Johnny approached her, but she punched him. "Leave us alone!"

When Robby finally gained his senses, Hazel hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry! I should've helped you," she cried. "I'm sorry..."

He was perplexed. No one had ever acted and cared like this about him. Then he hugged her back. "It's not your fault," he said, kissing her hair.

They walked out, Robby holding his head, blood all over it. Hazel backed him. "Robby. Hazel," Johnny said as he took a step closer. Hazel looked at Miguel, hoping he would say anything. But he didn't. It seemed like he couldn't care less.

Daniel took a deep breath as he waited to see what Robby would do, his eyes teary. "Get out of here," Robby said simply, looking at Daniel before turning to Johnny. "All of you." Hazel continued looking at Miguel and Johnny. Kreese put his hands on the two teenagers' shoulders. "Come on, kids," he said, leading them inside.

Hazel had made her choice. And she believes it's the right one.

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