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Hazel was at the water park with the girls, soaking in the sun and enjoying herself in a red bikini. She felt someone's gaze burning on her. Hazel pulled up her sunglasses and looked around, catching Anthony staring at her. She raised an eyebrow, making him panic.

Sam must have noticed too, because she snapped, "Ew. Anthony, can you not stare at my friends?"

Anthony immediately looked away, his face turning red. "No, no, no, I wasn't, um, uh, staring." He glanced at Hazel, his eyes wide with fear. "Please don't tell Hawk. He's gonna kill me." Then he scurried off.

Moon giggled, watching him retreat. "He's starting high school in the fall, right? Let's torture him. Tell him later I asked if he's been working out." She laughed, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Hazel laughed too, throwing a water bottle at Yasmine. "Don't do it. He's gonna be traumatized his whole life."

"Ew. You guys are so gross, and I want no part of this," Sam said, making a face.

Moon turned to Sam, a curious look on her face. "So, Sam, how's the whole Eat, Pray, Love journey going?"

Hazel shifted uncomfortably, knowing that Sam just needed space. She knew Miguel had loved Sam with his whole heart and she couldn't blame either of them.

"Actually better than I expected. It's been kind of nice to just focus on myself, without all the karate or relationship drama," Sam said with a smile. Hazel smiled too, happy for her friend.

"Hey, babe!" Hazel heard a familiar voice call from afar. She turned to see Eli walking towards her with Miguel next to him.

Hazel's eyes widened, and she waved back at him, then turned to Sam apologetically. "Oh, I totally forgot that they were coming."

"It's fine. Really," Sam said sincerely.

"Are you sure? 'Cause I can tell him I'll see him later," Hazel said, still looking apologetic.

"No, Hazel, seriously. I mean, this is gonna happen. And it's all right. Miguel and I are still friends. Plus, he's your brother," Sam reassured her with a smile. Hazel smiled back, feeling relieved.

"Hey. What's up?" Eli said as he and Miguel approached. Hazel sat up and smiled at him, then kissed him. "Hi."

Hazel listened as Miguel and Sam had an awkward conversation. Miguel was trying to ask if he could sit on the sun deck near her, and Sam, flustered, rambled on and said a lot of silly things.

Hazel and Eli exchanged uncertain looks, unsure how to react to the awkward tension between Miguel and Sam.

"Am I alive? Or did I die of embarrassment and this is my hell?" Yasmine asked sarcastically, turning to Eli who was sitting between her and Hazel.

Eli chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "It's definitely awkward, but we'll survive."

Hazel squeezed Eli's hand, feeling grateful for his support. The group settled back into their spots, trying to make the best of the situation despite the underlying tension.


Hazel was reading a book 'Spanish love deception', when she heard a scream and saw Kyler and Kenny, a couple of Cobra Kai kids, shoving Anthony into the pool tubes before pushing him into the water.

"Goddamn it," Eli muttered angrily as he stood up and marched over to them. Hazel followed closely behind.

"What the hell was that?" Eli demanded, confronting the pair who were laughing. Hazel stayed a little behind, unnoticed for now—a good position if she needed to step in.

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