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Cobra Kai students, outfitted in pristine white gis, move in synchronized precision, their fists slicing through the air in perfect unison. The dojo echoes with the sharp cries of "kiai!" belted out by Tory, who stands at the front, her gaze fierce and commanding.

In the dim light, the bruised and battered faces of Kyler, Rickenberger, and others come into view. Hazel and Robby stand more to the side, observing but clearly part of the group. Hazel can't help but feel a mix of pride and unease. She's proud of how far she's come in her training, but the bruises on her classmates' faces are a stark reminder of the brutality of their world. She feels a pang of doubt—are they truly on the right path?

Suddenly, the rhythmic movement halts. The students snap to attention as the door to the Sensei's office creaks open. From the shadows emerges John Kreese, his face a canvas of fresh bruises and cuts, hinting at a recent, violent encounter. Hazel's stomach churns; she knows this can only mean trouble. She glances at Robby, who remains stoic, but she can sense his tension.

"Class, fall in!" Kreese's voice booms across the dojo. Tory moves to her spot among the other Cobras, her expression unwavering. Hazel straightens her posture, trying to mask her inner turmoil.

Kreese begins to walk down the line, inspecting each bruised face with a critical eye. The students lower their gazes, intimidated by his presence and their own shame. Hazel feels a lump in her throat, remembering the harsh lessons she's endured. She thinks of the nights spent nursing bruises and the constant pressure to prove herself.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Kreese's voice drips with disdain. "The sorriest damn sight I've ever seen, that's what! Like a bunch of orphans after Mother Superior had her way with them! So, what happened? Has every one of you decided to bang in nails with your face, huh?!" He stops in front of Kyler, who visibly flinches.

"Mr. Okumoto, care to enlighten me?" Kreese's eyes bore into Kyler.

Kyler swallows audibly, his voice trembling as he speaks. "We... we decided to take the fight to Miyagi-Do and the dropouts, Sensei. We found out they were having a meeting at LaRusso's house, so we went there to teach them a lesson."

Robby's eyes widen, a flicker of shock crossing his face. Hazel's heart sinks. She just really hopes she didn't make a mistake coming in here and betraying the people that she loved. But they don't love her, she reminds herself. So she shouldn't overthink this so much. Yet, the betrayal still gnaws at her conscience.

"Oh, so you came up with an assault while trespassing on private property? A most... inspired idea. And how did that work out for you?" Kreese's sarcasm is cutting.

Kyler shifts uncomfortably. "We... we were defeated, Sensei."

Kreese's eyes narrow, his anger barely contained. "You were defeated while having the advantage of catching them unprepared, while fighting children, wimps, fatsos, and a recently recovered cripple?"

Tory steps forward, her voice firm. "Sensei, we were betrayed!"

Tory's eyes flick to Hazel, her expression hardening. "We trusted the wrong people. They turned on us when we needed them most."

Hazel knew she was talking about Eli. She wasn't surprised at all when she heard he changed sides. It just confirmed her decision. She didn't want to be on the same side as Eli ever again. She felt a surge of anger and determination—she would prove she was not a traitor, and she would stand strong with Cobra Kai.

Kreese's voice rises, filled with frustration. "By one skinny geek with delusions of grandeur! And that was all it took to overwhelm you, to turn you into a bunch of mewling babies?! What would have happened if you met them at full strength, if you faced Miyagi-Do's star student?" He shoots a brief glance at Robby, then at Hazel.

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