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Hazel went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup, leaving Robby and Johnny to figure out their next move. When she walked back outside, she was greeted by the sight of Johnny and Robby yelling at each other as their van was being towed away.

She sighed heavily. "I can't leave you two alone for two minutes without you screwing things up."

Johnny, exasperated, threw his hands up. "You're useless! Every time we need someone who speaks Spanish, you're not there!"

Hazel rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Like this is my fault."

Johnny said, "The guy at the impound lot said we need 4,000 pesos. That's, like, a million dollars."

Hazel corrected him, "It's $200."

Robby added, "But still, we only have about half that."

Johnny, frustrated, muttered, "We're not gonna find Miguel without the van."

They were standing in the bustling food court of a large mall, surrounded by the sounds of people chatting, kids laughing, and the distant hum of store music. A man nearby shouted in Spanish, "Place your bets!" The crowd around a small kiosk grew louder with excitement.

Robby pointed toward the kiosk, where a display of fiery red peppers caught his eye. "That's a Red Savina."

Hazel nodded, "That thing will burn a hole right through you."

Johnny looked confused.

Robby explained, "Mom and I watch Hot Ones on YouTube."

As the crowd laughed and more loud chatter ensued, Hazel saw an opportunity. "This is our shot to get back on track."

Johnny, determined, said, "If you see me about to choke, cover my mouth so I don't spit it out."

Robby stepped in, "Wait. I'll do it."

Johnny shook his head. "No, Robby, I got us into this. Like you said, this is our best shot. I know I can win."

Hazel shrugged, "As long as it isn't me."

Robby, ready to take on the challenge, walked up to the kiosk and signed up for the pepper-eating contest. The mall's food court was packed with spectators eager to see the competition. The air was thick with the aroma of various foods, from spicy tacos to sugary churros.

As Robby prepared to start eating the hot peppers, Hazel and Johnny stood nearby, anxious but hopeful. Johnny his shirt, while Hazel nervously twisted her hair.

Robby picked up the first Red Savina pepper, took a deep breath, and bit into it. His face immediately turned red, and sweat began to bead on his forehead. The crowd roared with excitement.

Johnny leaned in closer to Hazel, whispering, "He's got this. Just watch."

Robby continued to eat pepper after pepper, his determination unwavering despite the intense heat. Hazel and Johnny watched, their hearts pounding with every bite Robby took.

The man got angry and asked them to bring out El dragón. Hazel didn't know how, but he didn't manage to win. surprisingly, she clapped excitedly with a smile on when he ate the last one.


It was Robby's turn to stay in the passenger seat, and Hazel was annoyed but at least they had the van back, thanks to him. She settled into the back seat, crossing her arms but couldn't help smiling a bit at their small victory.

Johnny glanced over at Robby, concerned. "You sure you're all right?" he asked, clearing his throat.

Robby leaned back in his seat, still recovering from the heat. "Ugh. Never better."

Hazel looked at him in disbelief. "I still don't know how you managed to eat that last chili."

Robby grinned and reached into his pocket, pulling out the uneaten pepper. "I didn't."

Johnny turned to him, puzzled. "What were you chewing on?"

Robby pulled out a pack of chips from his other pocket and held it up. "These."

They all burst into laughter.

Hazel leaned forward, pointing at the chips. "Give me some!"

Robby tossed the pack back to her, and she eagerly opened it, munching on a few chips. The van was filled with the sound of their laughter and the crunch of the chips as they continued down the road, their spirits lifted.

As they drove down the road, Hazel's phone rang. She glanced at the screen and saw Miguel's name. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly answered, her voice trembling with anxiety.

"Miguel?" Hazel's voice was a mix of relief and panic. "How are you? Are you hurt? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm fine," Miguel reassured her. "I just... I wanted to stay here for a while."

Hazel's grip on the phone tightened. "Stay there? Miguel, what do you mean? Where exactly are you?"

"I found our father," Miguel said softly.

"Oh..." Hazel paused, the words sinking in. A long silence stretched between them, the weight of the revelation pressing down on her.

"He didn't know about us, Hazel," Miguel continued, his voice earnest. "He didn't know he had children. He has a son here, and he's... he's a good person."

Hazel's mind raced. Could it be true? She wasn't sure. The stories she had heard from their mother painted a different picture. But she didn't want to push Miguel away, not when he seemed so certain.

"I... I miss you, Miguel," she said finally, her voice cracking slightly. "Just... please, stay safe."

"I will," Miguel promised. "I miss you too."

As the call ended, Hazel stared at her phone, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. She didn't tell him she was in Mexico, afraid that he might try to run again if he knew. She looked up to find Johnny and Robby watching her with concern.

"Was that Miguel?" Johnny asked gently.

Hazel nodded, swallowing hard. "Yeah. He found our father. He thinks he's a good person."

Johnny's brows furrowed, but he didn't press further. Robby reached back and gave Hazel's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"We'll find him, Hazel," Robby said softly. "We'll make sure he's okay."

Hazel managed a small, grateful smile. "Thanks. Let's keep going."

They pulled up in front of a bar with a green sign Hazel couldn't quite make out. The place looked sketchy, and Hazel felt uneasy. She decided to stay in the van, reasoning that someone needed to watch it, and she didn't feel safe going inside.

As Johnny and Robby headed into the bar, Hazel waited anxiously. The minutes ticked by slowly, each one filled with her growing concern. Suddenly, the door of the bar swung open, and she saw Johnny and Robby stumbling out, looking all beaten up.

"Are you guys okay?" Hazel asked, alarmed.

Before they could answer, her eyes caught sight of something – someone – exiting the club. It was Miguel. He was on the phone, and she could hear snippets of his conversation.

"You were right, Mom..." Miguel was saying.

Without thinking, Hazel jumped out of the van and ran towards him. "Miguel!" she yelled, Johnny right behind her.

Miguel looked up, surprise flashing across his face. "Hazel?" he said, disbelief in his voice.

He walked towards them, and Hazel flung her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. Johnny joined in, wrapping his arms around both of them. For a moment, they stood there, a tangled mess of relief and love, reunited at last.

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