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Hazel's phone rang, displaying a private user on the caller ID. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she pondered why she was receiving such a call. Then, realization dawned on her – it was from a prison, probably Juvie. Robby had handed himself in to the police a couple of days ago after the altercation with Miguel. Hazel assumed he was now in juvie.

Despite her reluctance, Hazel couldn't ignore the call. As much as she didn't want to face Robby after what he had done to her brother, her curiosity got the better of her. With a hesitant hand, she answered the call, steeling herself for the conversation that awaited her.

Robby's voice came through the phone, sounding somewhat ashamed as he greeted Hazel. "Hey, Hazel. It's me," he began tentatively.

Hazel sighed, her annoyance evident in her response. "Yeah, I can see that," she replied curtly.

"I know you're mad," Robby continued, his tone pleading. "But I really need to talk to you."

Hazel hesitated, her guard still up. "What could you possibly have to say that would make any difference?" she questioned skeptically.

"I just... I need to explain," Robby insisted earnestly. "Please, Hazel. I know I messed up, but I need you to understand."

There was a moment of silence as Hazel considered his request. Finally, she relented, though her tone remained guarded. "Fine," she conceded. "I'll come see you."

Hazel made up an excuse about needing to leave her brother's room earlier than expected, citing an urgent errand she had to attend to. Miguel frowned, a puzzled expression crossing his face. "What errand?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"It's nothing, just something I forgot to take care of," Hazel replied evasively, avoiding his probing gaze.

Miguel's brows furrowed further, sensing her reluctance to divulge more. "Is it about Eli?" he ventured cautiously, his tone tinged with concern.

Hazel shook her head adamantly. "No, it's not about Eli," she assured him firmly. "I just really need to go, okay?"

Miguel sighed, reluctantly conceding. "Okay, but promise me you'll go back to school tomorrow," he insisted, fixing her with a pleading look.

Hazel hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Finally, she nodded, albeit with some reluctance. "Fine, I'll go back tomorrow," she agreed, though her voice lacked conviction.

Despite her apprehension, Hazel found herself standing outside the juvenile detention center, steeling herself before entering. Inside, Robby sat in a small visiting area, looking somber and alone. As she approached, he looked up, his expression a mix of remorse and longing.

"Hazel..." Robby began, his voice hesitant.

Hazel took a deep breath, trying to mask her own conflicting emotions. "Hey, Robby," she greeted him, her tone guarded.

Robby shifted uncomfortably in his seat, a wave of shame washing over him. "I'm sorry... for what happened to Miguel," he murmured, unable to meet her gaze.

Hazel nodded, acknowledging his apology with a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah, well, you should be," she replied, her voice tinged with bitterness.

Robby winced at her tone, but pressed on. "I just... I wanted to talk to you. To explain," he implored, desperation creeping into his voice.

Hazel hesitated, torn between her anger and her lingering concern for Robby. "What's there to explain?" she retorted, her walls still firmly in place.

Robby looked at her earnestly, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I know I messed up, Hazel. But I need you to believe me when I say I never meant to hurt Miguel," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

Hazel sighed, her resolve wavering as she took in his genuine remorse. "Fine, Robby. You have five minutes," she relented, sinking into the chair opposite him.

Hazel's eyebrows knit together in confusion as she processed Robby's words. "Why did you call me?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of sympathy.

Robby met her gaze, his expression vulnerable as he struggled to articulate his feelings. "I don't know you that well," he admitted, his voice filled with uncertainty. "But there's something about you... You're the only person I feel like I can talk to."

Hazel's heart ached at the raw honesty in Robby's confession. Despite their limited interactions, she felt a pang of empathy for him. "You're not alone, Robby," she reassured him, her voice gentle yet firm. "I know things are tough right now, but I'm here for you."

Robby's gaze faltered, his eyes drifting away momentarily before returning to hers. "I know we've talked a couple of times," he continued, his words hesitant, "but... I'm just alone, helplessly."

Hazel felt a swell of compassion for Robby, recognizing the weight of his isolation. "You don't have to feel alone," she said softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his arm. "We'll get through this together. I owe you. After... you know"

Robby shook his head, a wistful smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You don't owe me anything, Hazel," he insisted. "Helping you when you needed it was just the right thing to do."

Hazel remained silent for a moment, contemplating his words. Then, with a small nod, she met his gaze. "Thanks, Robby," she murmured, a hint of gratitude in her voice.

"I like your scar. Makes you more badass."Their conversation shifted, and Robby turned the spotlight on Hazel, his concern  evident in his expression. "And you, how are you holding up?" he asked gently, his eyes searching hers for any sign of distress.

Hazel forced a small smile, attempting to mask the turmoil swirling beneath the surface. "I'm fine, really," she insisted, though the strain in her voice betrayed her facade.

Robby studied her intently, his gaze piercing through her feigned composure. "I don't believe you," he stated bluntly, his tone soft but insistent. "Is there anyone else who knows about it?"

Hazel's smile faltered, her facade crumbling under Robby's unwavering scrutiny. "No, nobody else knows," she admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "But it doesn't matter right now. Miguel has surgery soon, and that's more important."

Robby nodded understandingly, his expression mirroring her concern for her brother. "Yeah, you're right," he agreed, his tone gentle. "But don't forget to take care of yourself too, Hazel. You can't help Miguel if you're not okay."

Hazel nodded, grateful for Robby's reminder. Despite the weight of her own struggles, she knew she needed to prioritize her brother's well-being above all else. But as she glanced at Robby, she couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude for his unexpected support during her own moment of need.

"Alright, enough of the sad bullshit" Hazel declared, letting out a sigh as she leaned in closer, resting her head on her hand and fixing her gaze on him. "Seriously though, you have to tell me. What have you been drinking to look this hot?" she asked with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Robby couldn't help but burst into laughter at her unexpected comment, the tension between them momentarily lifted by her humor.

𝖫𝗈𝗏౿ᑲ𝗈ოᑲ -𝖤ᥣꪱᜒ 𝖬𝗈ડƙ𝗈⍵ꪱᜒ𝗍ʑWhere stories live. Discover now