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There's a party at Moons house for the start of school. Hazel saw the guys from Miyagi do walking from the door. Suddenly Sam froze, making the others stop as well. Smiles fading as they saw Eli, Mitch Hazel and Aisha. Tory and Miguel walked in smiling and laughing from outside, Tory's smile turned to a scowl.

Hazel hated being in the same friend group as her ex. They were basically hanging out 24/7 and that wasn't fun. But she just distracted herself by talking to Aisha. At first she talked with Mitch too but Eli had threatened the guy so he shut his mouth around her.

Hazel walked outside just to see Tory and Sam doing something stupid so she walked inside and started talking with a guy.

Eli and Mitch were inside too, Eli's eyes on Hazel who was leaning against a wall, the guy talking to her and making her laugh. Soon a girl with beautiful mocha skin and fluffy brown hair walked in.

Eli walked over to her. "Hey. I like you hair." He greeted her, trying to make Moon jealous. "Thanks, I like yours too. It's spiky." She laughed softly. "Most people want to touch it. Usually I say no, but you can touch it. They call me hawk." He said, a half smirk on his face. "I'm -" She started but them Moon said. "Piper!" She exclaimed happily as she went up to the girl and kissing her.
Piper and Moon sat together, making out.

Eli glared from a distance at the Hazel still talking to the guy paying no attention to Eli, he jealous. Demetri walked out, sitting on the other side of the couch then Eli. Both were silent for a bit. "Did you see the new Doctor who trailer last night?" Demetri asked, looking over at him. Eli glanced over. "I don't watch nerd shit." He said, taking a sip of his drink. "You know, Moffat isn't the show runner anymore." Demetri slightly leaned towards him. Eli then looked over. "Really? Since when? Is there a new doctor? What's he like?" Eli asked, showing a glimpse of his old self.

Demetri smiled slightly. "Oh, she's badass." Eli smiled some. "She? No way." The sound of Hazel giggling caught his attention again. "I'd give up man, she's moved on." Demetri told his friend. "Defeat doesn't exist." Eli muttered. "There's that winning attitude that drove her away in the first place! I think you need a dose of inner peace." Demetri clapped his hand on Eli's shoulder. "It's worked for me."
"Yeah?" Eli asked as he stood up, dumping his drink over Demetri's head, drenching him with beer. Hazel saw that, and she couldn't be more disappointed and sad.

Night had fallen, and the party was winding down, with guests starting to trickle out of Moon's house. Hazel found herself in the kitchen, pouring vodka into a red solo cup for herself and a guy she'd just met named Josh.

Suddenly, the urge to use the restroom hit her, and Hazel excused herself, leaving Josh in the kitchen as she hurried off. When she returned, she took a sip from her cup and immediately felt lightheaded. Before she could react, Josh leaned in to kiss her, but she pushed him away.

Just as Josh persisted, he was swiftly intercepted by Robby, who stepped in to protect Hazel. Grateful for the intervention, she thanked Robby as he guided her to drink water and helped her regain her bearings.

For the next half-hour, Hazel remained by Robby's side, feeling safe and comforted in his presence. Eventually, Robby escorted her back to the living room, where Aisha was waiting, and instructed her friend to keep an eye on Hazel. With a nod of appreciation, Hazel settled in beside Aisha, feeling grateful for Robby's watchful care.

"In the words of Eli's hero, Steve Jobs, 'I have one more thing,'" Demetri announced, commanding attention in the living room. "Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?" A momentary look of shock crossed Eli's face, while Hazel frowned, casting a concerned glance at her ex-boyfriend.

Eli shot a warning look at his old friend Demetri. "That is the medical term, of course. In the King's English, it's good old fashioned bed-wetting," Demetri continued, eliciting laughter from the group. "And Eli here, is a pro. My mom even had a special air mattress for sleepovers. She called it 'Eli's waterbed.'"

The revelation suddenly clicked for Hazel, explaining why Eli always avoided sleepovers at her house and preferred sleeping on the floor when she stayed over at his place. It made sense, but she couldn't help feeling saddened by the fact that Eli hadn't trusted her enough to confide in her.

As Eli handed Mitch his drink and advanced towards him with aggression, Mitch and Aisha followed closely behind. Hazel remained seated on the couch, watching the tense confrontation unfold.

Chris stepped in to intervene. "To get through him, you'll have to go through me," he declared, facing off against Mitch. "Stay out of it, traitor," Mitch snarled in response. Robby moved in to support Chris, adding to the tension.

Moon attempted to diffuse the situation, stepping between the conflicting parties. "Guys, stop. We're friends," she implored, her voice tinged with concern. Stingray, however, couldn't contain his excitement, eagerly anticipating a potential brawl.

Just as tensions peaked, red and blue lights flooded the area, signaling the arrival of the police. Panic ensued as partygoers scattered, seeking to avoid trouble. Hazel, still shaken by her earlier encounter with Josh, discreetly searched for a way out.

Amidst the chaos, Eli bid Demetri farewell and voiced his concerns about facing his mother's wrath if caught by the police. Hazel quickly made her decision, following Robby and Sam as they made their way to Johnny's apartment, seeking refuge from the escalating situation.

Robby turned to Hazel, his expression filled with genuine concern. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly.

Hazel managed a weak smile, but her eyes betrayed her unease. "I'll be fine, Robby," she replied, her voice strained. "Just need some time to process everything."

Johnny furrowed his brow, his concern evident. "What happened back there?" he asked, his tone serious.

Hazel shook her head, her gaze flickering away. "It's nothing, Johnny," she said quickly, avoiding his probing gaze. "Just a misunderstanding."

Robby sensed Hazel's discomfort and decided to drop the subject. "Alright, well, if you need anything, you know where to find me," he said, offering her a reassuring smile.

Hazel nodded gratefully, appreciating Robby's support. "Thanks, Robby," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

As Johnny left the room, Hazel let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry about that," she said, turning back to Robby. "I just... I don't want to talk about it right now."

Robby nodded understandingly, his expression sympathetic. "I get it," he said softly. "But just.. so you know, you're not alone. I'm here for you."

Hazel offered a grateful smile, moved by Robby's kindness. "Thanks, Robby," she said, genuinely appreciative of his concern. "I really appreciate it. But you don't have to worry, i've gone through this once. I'll do it again."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Hazel turned and quietly left the apartment before he could process her words, her thoughts still swirling from the evening's events.

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