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The next morning, Hazel begrudgingly stirred from her slumber, facing the impending return to school with a sense of resignation. While she longed to evade the inevitable return to the classroom, she knew it was an unavoidable reality.

Recollections of her previous school experience flooded Hazel's mind, each memory tinged with bitterness. Despite the positive aspects of her former school, the presence of one individual had cast a dark shadow over her time there. Jane, the instigator of relentless bullying, had marred what was once a relatively pleasant environment for Hazel.

Before Jane's campaign of public humiliation, Hazel had thrived among her peers, respected and admired. However, the relentless torment inflicted by Jane had shattered her confidence and fractured her sense of belonging within the school community. Despite her attempts to move beyond the ordeal, the scars left by Jane's cruelty lingered, haunting Hazel as she contemplated her return to the classroom.

As Hazel prepared to embark on a new chapter in a different school, she made a solemn promise to herself. With unwavering resolve, she vowed that no one would ever again have the power to diminish her spirit.

The prospect of a fresh start infused Hazel with a renewed sense of optimism and purpose. She viewed this change of scenery as an opportunity to redefine herself, to carve a path free from the shadows of her past. With each step toward her new school, Hazel felt a surge of confidence coursing through her veins.

Gone were the days of allowing others to dictate her worth or undermine her self-esteem. Hazel was determined to seize control of her destiny, to embrace her true potential without hesitation. Stepping across the threshold into her new school, she did so with her head held high, ready to embrace the boundless opportunities that lay ahead.

School turned out to be surprisingly pleasant for Hazel, who quickly found herself making a few friends. Among them were Moon and Samantha, two affluent and popular girls who would have been perfect companions if not for their third friend, Yasmine, who was nothing short of unpleasant. In contrast, Aisha from her lab class stood out as a genuinely sweet and kind individual.

Having only a few classes with her brother, Hazel found herself wandering vaguely through the cafeteria in search of him. Moon caught her eye and waved, but Hazel quickly explained that she needed to find Miguel. Spotting him heading toward a table with two boys, she followed.

As Miguel approached, one of the boys with dark brown hair looked up. "Is it cool if I sit here?" Miguel asked when he couldn't spot his sister anywhere. The dark-haired boy responded with a touch of sarcasm, "Ooh, sorry, this table is really blowing up right now, but I could put you on the waiting list. It will probably be next semester at the earliest," while the other boy struggled to stifle a laugh.

Unfazed, Miguel turned to leave. "Okay," he replied, but Hazel, recognizing the sarcasm, rolled her eyes and took a seat without waiting for an invitation.

The dark-haired boy, a bit taken aback, turned to Hazel. "And you are?" he inquired, his surprise evident in his tone. Hazel merely shrugged, opting to ignore him as she began to eat her food.

Before the situation could escalate, Miguel intervened. "She's my sister, Hazel. I'm Miguel," he introduced, stepping in to defuse the tension.

"Demetri. And this is Eli," the dark-haired one introduced. It was the first time Hazel really took notice of the other guy. With his short, light hair, she couldn't help but find him cute, resisting the urge to say 'aww' when he looked at her shyly.

Miguel nodded at Eli, who remained silent. "He's a man of few words," Demetri remarked, poking at his food.

Hazel smiled at Eli, sensing his hesitation. It seemed like he was about to return the smile, but he quickly covered the scar on his lips, averting his gaze downward.

Yasmine and Sam strolled past their table, offering a greeting to Hazel.
Demetri and Miguel glanced up as they passed by. "Did I just imagine that?
Dude, don't torture yourself; those are the hot girls," Demetri advised Miguel, his gaze fixed on Samantha in awe.
Turning his attention to Hazel, he added, "And you, I don't even know why you're here with us."
Miguel, curious, asked, "Do you ever talk to them or...?"
Demetri responded with a sarcastic nod. "Oh yeah, all the time. We hang out after school, make out. Eli here is the homecoming king, gets laid more than anyone, ain't that right?" he quipped, glancing over at Eli, who simply smiled and covered his lip when when Hazel caught him looking.
Shaking her head at her brother's obliviousness, Hazel focused on his naivety. "Dude, we are sitting at the nerd table, no offence intended. Wake up!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands in front of Miguel's face. "And people ask me why I'm so smart. I sucked it all up in the belly," she added, rolling her eyes dramatically.
Eli, speaking for the first time, looked down at the table. "No offence taken.
Oh, s**t, Yasmine is looking over here.
Probably just making fun of me," he remarked, his voice surprisingly melodic in Hazel's ears.

"I'm sure she's not making fun of you.
Just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean," Miguel chimed in, but his attempt at reassurance only seemed to confuse Hazel further.
"So you think I'm ugly?" she snapped angrily at her brother, her frustration evident as she searched for clarity amidst the confusion.

Miguel blinked, caught off guard by Hazel's sudden outburst. "What? No, of course not," he protested, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Before anyone could say anything else They could hear Yasmine making fun of Eli and Aisha.

Hazel, her anger dissipating slightly, shot Yasmine a mock glare before turning her attention back to Eli. "For the record, Eli, I highly doubt Yasmine is making fun of you, because there's nothing to make fun of. She's probably just jealous of your impeccable taste in friends," she quipped, flashing Eli a reassuring smile.

Eli's lips twitched into a small smile at Hazel's words, his eyes briefly meeting hers before he glanced down at the table once more, a hint of gratitude in his expression.

Hazel spent the rest of the day cleaning the dojo with her brother.

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