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In an unexpected turn of events, Johnny became Hazel and Miguel's sensei. While Hazel didn't exactly burst with excitement at the prospect, her loyalty to her brother outweighed any reservations she may have had. After all, what sister wouldn't want to learn how to defend herself from both bad guys and bad girls? With determination and a hint of reluctance, Hazel embraced the opportunity to hone her self-defense skills under Johnny's guidance.

Hazel, Miguel, and Johnny found themselves in the new Cobra Kai studio. "So, are we going to get the karate pajamas too?" Miguel began to inquire.

"You are. I don't want to wear PJs. It's so not fashionable," Hazel retorted, her tone tinged with disdain.

"Quiet!" Johnny's voice boomed, causing the twins to jump. "The student will only speak when spoken to. Is that understood?" Miguel nodded obediently while Hazel rolled her eyes. "Um, yes," she begrudgingly replied to Johnny, who simply tilted his head in a questioning manner.

"Yes, Sensei," Miguel chimed in this time, his tone respectful.

"You will always refer to me as Sensei. Is that understood?" Johnny reiterated, his gaze fixed on the twins.

"Yes, Sensei," they replied in unison, understanding the seriousness of the instruction.

"And these aren't pajamas; it's a gi. You'll get one when you've earned it," Johnny informed his students. "Are you ready to start your training?"

Johnny swiftly executed the move on Miguel, Hazel's eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting in disbelief. She watched intently, her concern growing as her brother hit the ground with a resounding thud. "Well, that escalated quickly," she muttered to herself, exchanging a quick glance with Miguel, who lay on the mat, grimacing in pain.

Johnny's stern demeanor didn't escape Hazel's notice, and she couldn't resist injecting a touch of humor into the tense atmosphere. "Hey, Sensei, next time maybe give a guy a heads-up before you send him flying," she quipped, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

Ignoring Hazel's comment, Johnny continued with his intense lesson, his gaze fixed on Miguel. Sensing her brother's discomfort, Hazel's concern deepened. "Yeah, but those are real medical problems, I just-" Miguel began, attempting to explain.

But before he could finish, Johnny snatched the inhaler from Miguel's hand and flung it across the room, the device shattering upon impact. Hazel's eyes widened in shock, her hand instinctively flying to her mouth in surprise. "Well, that's one way to cure asthma, I guess," she remarked, her voice laced with sarcasm, though a hint of unease lingered beneath her jest.

Turning his attention to Hazel, Johnny regarded her with a serious expression. "And what about you, young lady? Are you ready to embrace the way of Cobra Kai?" he inquired, his voice firm.

Hazel met Johnny's gaze with a mischievous grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I don't know, Sensei. Do you guys have a fashion-forward version of the karate gi? I can't be seen in just any old thing," she replied, her tone playful yet defiant, a hint of challenge in her demeanor.

"Miss Diaz don't speak without my consent. Cobra kai isn't just about karate, it's a way of life. Learn that first lesson." Johnny said, pointing to a wall where Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy was written in bold, black paint.

Hazel's eyebrows shot up at Johnny's unconventional analogy, her lips curling into an amused smirk. "Wow, Sensei, didn't realize Cobra Kai was doubling as a dating advice hotline," she quipped, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Johnny shot her a look, his expression unreadable, before turning back to Miguel. "Strike first is the initial step to victory," he reiterated, gesturing to the wall where the dojo's motto was boldly displayed. "Like when you're at a party and you see a hot babe. You don't wait for another guy to go talk to her first, do you?"

Miguel's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but he managed a sheepish smile. "Well, I've never been to a party, so..."

Johnny let out a frustrated sigh. "Big surprise. Okay, look, striking first is about being aggressive. If you're not being aggressive, you're being a wuss."

As Johnny continued with his instruction, Hazel watched with a mixture of amusement and concern. When Miguel struggled with the push-ups on his knuckles, Hazel couldn't help but interject. "Just do some crunches, don't you have gym class or something?" she suggested, her tone teasing but sympathetic.

"Yeah," Miguel replied breathlessly, his face flushed with exertion as he struggled to keep up with Johnny's demanding training regimen.

As the training session wound down, not much else of significance occurred. A random guy who seemed to know Johnny entered the dojo, engaging in a conversation that Hazel found entirely uninteresting and irrelevant to her. With a dismissive shrug, she tuned out their discussion, her mind wandering to more pressing matters.

Before she knew it, Hazel found herself and Miguel tasked with cleaning duty for the remainder of the day. "Cleaning as training, huh? Guess even Cobra Kai needs a tidy dojo," she remarked, her tone a mix of amusement and resignation as she set about the task at hand.

Despite the mundane nature of their chores, Hazel and Miguel made the most of it, exchanging banter and laughter as they worked side by side. With each sweep of the broom and wipe of the cloth, they forged a bond that went beyond mere siblings, united in their shared journey at Cobra Kai.

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