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‼️SMUT (+18)

Karate practice was tough. Ever since that strange old man, Terry Silver, joined, the training had become twice as hard. But Hazel didn't mind. She was still the best. Robby was almost at her level, but she could still beat him. Things at home weren't great. Miguel sometimes tried to make conversation, but she ignored him, just like she did with Johnny.

Her mom had often told her to stop training with Cobra Kai and return to Eagle Fang, but Hazel didn't care. They didn't understand. And then there was Eli. Every time he was around—at school or when he was hanging out with Miguel—he always tried to talk to her. She couldn't stand him. Flashbacks of every time he betrayed and hurt her played in her mind.


Hazel was at home alone, a rare moment of peace. Everyone else was out and wouldn't be back for a few hours. A sudden knock on the door made her frown. None of her friends were supposed to visit, so it was strange. She opened the door to find Eli standing there.

She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Miguel isn't home," she said curtly. Without waiting for his response, she tried to close the door, but he stopped her.

"I didn't come for Miguel. I came for you," Eli said, stepping inside without her permission.

She rolled her eyes again and reluctantly followed him into the living room. "What do you want, Eli?" she asked, exasperated.

Eli took a deep breath. "I came to tell you again that Cobra Kai is bad for you. Kreese isn't a good person, Hazel."

She cut him off, "Mind your own business, Eli."

He continued, undeterred, "And Robby isn't good for you either. He doesn't really want to date you. He's probably just using you to get back at Miguel."

Hazel started laughing hysterically, catching Eli off guard. "I'm not dating Robby," she said between laughs. "And I never will."

Eli looked stunned for a moment, then recovered. "Wait, what? You're not?"

Hazel shook her head, still smirking. "No, Eli. Robby and I are just friends. You think everything revolves around dating or getting back at someone."

Eli frowned, clearly puzzled. "Then why are you even in Cobra Kai? Kreese is just using you."

Hazel's expression hardened. "You don't get it, do you? It's not about them. It's about me. I want to be strong, and Cobra Kai gives me that. They teach me to fight, to defend myself. It's something you wouldn't understand."

Eli sighed, frustration evident on his face. "Hazel, I just don't want to see you get hurt. You're better than this. You deserve better than what Kreese can offer you."

"And i deserve you? I know what you did to that poor kid, Kenny." Hazel crossed her arms, her stance defiant. "Maybe I don't need you to decide what's best for me, Eli. I can make my own choices."

Eli looked at her, desperation in his eyes. "Haze, i know that what i did is unforgivable, but I care about you. And i know things for you aren't easy, and that you feel like you need Cobra Kai to feel strong. I know it. I know you... But there are other ways. Better ways."

Hazel's eyes softened for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability showing through her tough exterior. But she quickly masked it. "Thanks for your concern, Eli. But this is my path. Now, if you're done preaching, you can leave." She said the first part ironically, and Eli knew that. It hurts him so much.

Eli hesitated, searching her face for any sign of change, but found none. "I miss you Hazel... Don't you?"

Hazel didn't respond, watching silently. She shook her head, trying to push away the doubts Eli had stirred up. She couldn't afford to second-guess herself now.

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