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Hazel sat by Miguel's bedside in the hospital, trying to lift his spirits. Despite his recent diagnosis of temporary paralysis, Miguel remained stoic, urging Hazel to focus on her schoolwork. Hazel sat by Miguel's bedside, trying to ease the heaviness in the room with a conversation. "So, guess what I watched yesterday," she began, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Miguel glanced at her, his expression tired but curious. "What did you watch?" he asked, grateful for the distraction.

"The last Maze Runner movie," Hazel replied. "You know, the one with Newt's death at the end?"

Miguel nodded, remembering the storyline. "Yeah, that was a tough moment, you cried for a week." he remarked, his thoughts momentarily diverted from his own worries.

Hazel sighed, nodding in agreement. "I was hoping they'd change it from the book, you know? But no luck," she said with a slight chuckle.

Miguel managed a small smile. "Well it was a book-based movie trilogy. I don't see why they should've." he said, appreciating the lighthearted conversation amidst the tension.

As they continued to chat about the movie, the atmosphere in the room gradually lightened, providing a brief respite from the weight of their current situation.

Miguel hesitated for a moment before sharing, "Sensei visited me earlier today." He glanced at Hazel, his expression conflicted. "We got into it little fight so i told him to leave," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But he said he misses you too."

A small smile tugged at Hazel's lips at the mention of her Sensei. "Yeah, i miss him too," she murmured, touched by the sentiment. She couldn't deny feeling a sense of reassurance knowing that her Johnny was thinking of them.

Before she could say anything, a nurse entered the room to check on Miguel, briefly interrupting their conversation. Once the nurse left, Sam walked in, her presence adding an unexpected layer of tension to the room.

Sam greeted them with a tentative smile, her voice slightly awkward as she asked Miguel how he was doing. Miguel's response was guarded, but Hazel sensed that he appreciated the gesture.

As they exchanged pleasantries, the conversation turned to Miguel's upcoming surgery. Sam remarked optimistically about the surgery being a positive step, but Miguel's response was tinged with concern. "Yeah, it's great, but it's gonna be a lot for Mom," he admitted, his brow furrowed with worry. "It costs a lot."

Hazel interjected gently, her voice filled with empathy. "Miguel, don't worry about that right now," she said, reaching out to squeeze his hand reassuringly. "We'll figure it out."

Miguel, eager to change the subject, noticed something on Sam's arm. "Is that from Tory too?" he asked, nodding towards the scars.

Sam forced a smile, not wanting to burden Miguel further. "Yeah, but it's fine. Makes me look badass," she shrugged.

Hazel chuckled, a bittersweet tone to her laugh. "I guess we're matching then. Tory made us friendship bracelets," she said, pointing to her face with a wry grin.

Miguel swallowed, expressing his apologies. "I'm sorry about that. To you both," he said, looking at his sister and his ex-girlfriend.

"You didn't do anything. She's the one who decided to go crazy," Sam reassured him.

Miguel shook his head, expressing empathy for Tory's tough circumstances. "Tory has had a rough life, you know. Her mom is sick," he began before being interrupted by Hazel.

"I love Tory, but she acted without thinking. she should've resolved it in another way," Hazel interjected, her frustration evident.

"Everyone has a sob story. But It doesn't give her the right to be a bully," Sam added, echoing Hazel's sentiment.

Miguel shook his head slowly, in disagreement. After a moment of silence and tension, Sam mentioned she had brought a card for Miguel, which brought a smile to his face. Hazel, pleased to see her brother happy, silently appreciated Sam's gesture.

As they conversed, they were interrupted by a familiar voice from the door. "El serpiente!" Eli's voice called out, catching Hazel's attention. She immediately averted her gaze, feeling the weight of their past conflict. Though Eli's mask faltered briefly upon seeing her downcast expression, he quickly shifted his focus to Sam, who, feeling overwhelmed, decided to leave.

"I'll walk you," Hazel offered, eager to avoid staying with Eli. Unfortunately, as they passed by him, he stopped Sam to talk with her.

"You've got some nerve coming here, after what your boyfriend did to him," Eli said, eyeing Sam critically. Hazel could sense his anger, but it seemed like a constant state for him.

"Mind your own business, Eli. She just wants to help," Hazel defended Sam. It wasn't that she was particularly fond of her, but Eli had no right to speak about others like that, especially when he was no better.

"Pretty sure she's done enough, princess," Eli retorted, his focus shifting entirely to his ex-girlfriend.

As they approached the hospital door, a heavy silence hung between Hazel and Sam, mirroring the weight of the situation they were facing. Sensing Hazel's apprehension about returning to school, Sam delicately broached the topic, acknowledging her friend's fear while offering reassurance about the stringent safety measures in place.

"You know, I understand how daunting it must feel to go back to school," Sam began, her voice a comforting presence in the somber atmosphere. "But they've really cracked down on security measures. You won't be alone – we'll all have your back."

Hazel nodded gratefully, finding solace in Sam's supportive words.

"Speaking of which, i know Demetri has been blowing up your phone," Sam said with a playful grin, attempting to inject a moment of levity into their conversation. "He's been missing you like crazy."

"Don't worry about people at school. And hey, after the scar and all, I bet you'll become the untouchable princess of West Valley High. They'll be afraid of you"

Initially caught off guard by the mention of Demetri and the unexpected humor, Hazel couldn't help but crack a smile. Despite the gravity of their situation, Sam's genuine concern and attempt to lighten the mood offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

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