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Sam's anger flared up as Tory revealed the truth. "You knew Silver cheated and did nothing?" she yelled, launching kicks and punches at Tory. Tory blocked the attacks but didn't fight back. "It was complicated, Sam. You don't understand," Tory tried to explain.

Hazel stepped between them, trying to de-escalate the situation. "Listen, I know you're angry, but—" Before she could finish, Sam's punch, meant for Tory, hit Hazel squarely in the face. The boys, Miguel, Robby, and Eli, quickly intervened, pulling the girls apart.

"Are you okay?" Eli asked Hazel, concern etched on his face. Hazel, still a bit dazed, nodded, wiping blood from her nose. "Yeah, it's alright."

Miguel turned to Sam, seeking clarity. "What's going on?"

Sam's voice shook with anger. "She's been working with Kreese the whole time."

Everyone's eyes turned to Tory. Robby's voice was filled with hurt and confusion. "What?"

Tory, not meeting anyone's gaze, spat out, "Screw you, LaRusso. I knew this was a mistake." She stormed off, leaving a tense silence in her wake.

Hazel shook her head, feeling the weight of the situation. "There was no need to do that. She was trying to help."

Sam, still seething, scoffed. "What about you?" She looked directly at Hazel, her voice cold and demanding. "Did you know Silver was cheating in the All Valley?"

The air was thick with tension. Hazel looked around at her friends, their eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. Even Eli seemed unsure. She took a deep breath, feeling cornered. "I—I'm not sure. I didn't know for certain. But, yeah I suspected it..."

The disappointment was palpable. "That's what I thought," Sam said, her voice heavy with resignation. She turned and walked away.

Hazel, overwhelmed, followed suit. Despite the boys calling after her, she kept walking, not looking back. She needed to be alone, to process everything that had just happened. The sense of betrayal hung heavy in the air, leaving everyone to wonder what would come next.

The next day, Hazel walked out of her room, finding everyone except Robby gathered in the living room. She frowned at them. "If you're here to insult me and get mad about what happened, you need to hurry up. I'm watching Gossip Girl, and it's a critical moment."

Demetri stepped forward. "We're not here for that. We want to hear what you have to say."

Hazel sighed and began explaining. "During the fight with Sam, I noticed the ref pretending not to see some things and looking at Silver multiple times. After the All Valley, Tory told me she saw Silver talking to the ref. But that's all I have. No concrete proof."

She continued, "During my fight against Tory, Silver told her to play dirty to take me out, but Tory didn't."

Miguel looked thoughtful. "Maybe it wasn't meant for you to win, but for Tory."

Hazel shrugged. "Could be."

Sam stepped forward, her voice soft. "Hazel, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out at you."

Hazel looked around at her friends, feeling a mix of relief and lingering tension. "I get it, Sam. This whole thing is messed up."

Eli put a comforting hand on Hazel's shoulder. "We're all in this together. We need to figure out how to deal with Silver and Cobra Kai."

Hazel nodded, feeling a renewed sense of resolve. "You're right. Let's focus on what we can do next."

The room was filled with a sense of solidarity as they all began to discuss their next steps, determined to uncover the truth and fight back against Silver's corruption.

As they stood in the hallway, Hazel suddenly remembered something crucial. "Wait, Tory mentioned that Stingray lied about Kreese. It was actually Silver who beat him up. We should go talk to him."

The group nodded in agreement and soon found themselves at Stingray's cluttered apartment. Hazel knocked on the door, and when Stingray answered, he looked visibly nervous.

"We need to talk to you about what really happened," Hazel said firmly.

Stingray's eyes shifted nervously. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, man," Eli pressed. "We know it was Silver who beat you up, not Kreese. Just tell us the truth."

Stingray hesitated, fear etched across his face. "I can't. You don't understand what he'll do to me if I talk."

Despite their efforts to convince him, Stingray remained resolute in his silence. Frustrated and disheartened, the group left his apartment.

As they walked back, Sam's anger was palpable. "I can't believe he won't admit it. We were so close to getting the truth."

Hazel, Miguel, and Eli continued walking, feeling the weight of another dead end. Hazel sighed deeply. "This is so frustrating. We know the truth, but without Stingray's admission, we have nothing."

Miguel tried to offer some comfort. "We'll find another way, Hazel. We always do."

Eli nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we can't give up now. We've come too far."

As they reached Hazel's house, the evening air felt cool and quiet. Hazel stopped and turned to Eli. "Hey, why don't you stay over tonight? We could both use a break."

Eli smiled, grateful for the invitation. "I'd love that."

Later that evening, Hazel and Eli settled in for the night. They watched a movie and talked about everything that had happened. Despite the setbacks, they found solace in each other's company. As the night wore on, they fell asleep, feeling a renewed sense of determination to keep fighting for the truth, no matter how tough things got. With friends and  Eli by her side, Hazel knew they could face anything together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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