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Hazel, Tory, and Robby are at the dojo, going through their training routine with focused determination. As they take a break, the conversation turns to prom day.

"It's prom day, Hazel. Are you going?" Tory exclaims, a grin spreading across her face.

Hazel nods, acknowledging the event but trying to keep her focus. "Yeah, I know."

Robby looks intrigued. "So, are you so grumpy because boys are too afraid to ask or?"

Hazel shrugs nonchalantly, trying to downplay the attention. "Oh, just a few guys asked. Twenty-three, to be exact."

Tory's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, while Robby's jaw drops. "Twenty-three?!" he exclaims, clearly impressed.

Hazel smirks, pulling out her phone to show them the flood of messages. "Yep, twenty-three guys from school have asked me. But I haven't decided yet what to do."

Robby leans in, curious. "So, are you going alone then?"

Hazel shakes her head. "Nope, I'll just decide last minute and tell one of them to go with me."

Tory chuckles at her friend's audacity. "Classic Hazel move."

Hazel grins back, her mind already plotting her next move. Prom might be just another event for some, but for Hazel, it's an opportunity to keep everyone guessing.

Hazel pauses, considering her friends with a playful glint in her eye. "Hey, why don't you two go together?"

Robby and Tory exchange a glance, then shake their heads almost simultaneously.

Robby shrugs. "Nah, I'm probably not going."

Tory nods in agreement. "Yeah, same here."

Hazel's brow furrows in confusion. "What? But you have to come! I don't want to be alone, and what if Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fangs decide to start a fight at the party?"

Silver, who has been observing the conversation with a smirk, interjects. "She's right. Hazel shouldn't go alone. You can take my car."

Hazel looks relieved at Silver's suggestion, a smile spreading across her face. "See? Problem solved. Now you two have no excuses."

Robby and Tory exchange a resigned glance, realizing they've been cornered. "Fine, we'll go," Robby concedes with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but only because you're so persuasive, Hazel," Tory adds, teasingly.

Hazel grins triumphantly, pleased that she's managed to convince them. "That's what I thought. Now, let's get back to training."


Hazel's mom dragged her along to Sam LaRusso's house since her brother was taking Sam to prom. Hazel wasn't thrilled about it, but she knew better than to argue with her mom. As they gathered for pictures, Hazel made an excuse about needing to find the bathroom.

Wandering through the house, she accidentally stumbled upon Anthony's room. She rolled her eyes, about to give him a piece of her mind for not keeping his door closed during a party. Before she could say anything, Anthony flinched and nervously put his arm up as a barrier.

"Please, not my face," he muttered.

Hazel couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "Relax, Anthony. I'm not about to hit a thirteen-year-old, even in my wildest dreams."

Anthony let out a relieved sigh, but still looked uneasy. "I thought you'd hate me for bullying Kenny."

Hazel shrugged, leaning against the doorframe. "It's not my battle to fight, Anthony."

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